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  • Title

    Dynamic evolution of bubble and separation characteristics of finecoal in vibrating fluidized bed

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHEN Zengqiang;ZHANG Yadong;ZHAO Guangxin;DUAN Chenlong;ZHAO Yuemin;DONG Liang

  • 单位


  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The vibrating fluidized bed can effectively strengthen the separation and quality improvement process offine coal. By using the pressure sensor to measure the pressure signal,combining with the high⁃speed dynamic camer⁃a to synchronously capture the evolution behavior of bubbles in the two⁃dimensional vibrating separation fluidized bedwith the mixture of pulverized coal and magnetite powder as the binary composite weight,the dynamic evolution ofbubbles and the influence of bubble behavior on the separation effect of fine coal were explored. In addition,the ex⁃pansion height of the bed and the volume proportion of bubbles under different operating conditions were studied,and the suppression effect of vibration airflow synergy on the dynamic evolution of bubbles was revealed. The resultsindicate that the introduction of vibration energy can promote the uniform fluidization of the particle bed.Under the conditions of v = 16 cm/ s,f = 20 Hz and A = 2 mm,the pressure drop fluctuation of the bed is stable.With the increase of vibration frequency,the fully fluidized expansion height He increases first and then decreases,but the change of the bubble phase volume fraction Y is opposite to that of the fully fluidized expansion height.With the increase of amplitude,the fully fluidized expansion height He increases first and then decreases,as well as thebubble phase volume fraction Y gradually increases. The results show that the synergistic effect of vibration and gasflow has an obvious inhibitory effect on the bubble behavior in the bed. Meanwhile,under the optimal operating condi⁃tions,the average bubble size is 1.12-2.45 cm. The disturbance of bubble on the separation effect of fine coal isweak,and the separation effect of fine coal is the best. The ash content and yield of bed clean coal products are 8.2%and 56.1% respectively,and the ash content and yield of discharged gangue are 44.5% and 43.9% respectively.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    vibrated fluidized bed; fine coal; dry separation; bubble; pressure signal

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    陈增强,张亚东,赵光薪,等. 振动分选流化床气泡动态演变与细粒煤分选特性[ J].煤炭学报,2023,48(S1):296-304.
  • Citation
    CHEN Zengqiang,ZHANG Yadong,ZHAO Guangxin,et al. Dynamic evolution of bubble and separation charac⁃teristics of fine coal in vibrating fluidized bed[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(S1):296-304
  • 相关文章

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