Influential factors and reasonable mining-cavingratio of top coal with extra thick seam in fullymechanized top coal caving
LU Heng;WU Zhenhua;WANG Yuchang
Daliuta Coal Mine, CHN Energy Shendong Coal Group Co., Ltd.
This paper analyzes the influential factors on top coal caving with extra thick coal seam in fully mechanized topcoal caving based on the surrounding rock geological conditions of 8209 working face in Tongxin mine. The results show thatthe top coal caving is related to coal body strength, coal seam buried depth, coal body fracture development, gangue inclusionand roof conditions. According to the necessary conditions of fully loose top coal in fully mechanized top coal caving face, themining height is calculated to be no less than 3. 2 m, and the distribution law of advance bearing pressure and top coal failure characteristics under different mining heights are studied using numerical simulation software FLAC3D. The results showthat when the mining height is 3. 9 m, the peak value of advance bearing pressure in the working face is the largest, the influential range is the largest, and the top coal can be completely destroyed; However, when the mining height is greater than3. 9 m, with the continuous increase of mining height, the damage of coal wall intensifies, which is not conducive to the stability in front of the working face, that is, when the mining height is 3. 9 m, the mining-caving ratio ( 1∶ 3. 514) is the mostreasonable.
top coal caving; fully mechanized top coal caving mining; mining-caving ratio; numerical analysis