Tip to face distance monitoring and intelligent control basedon transparent geological model
ZHANG Qiang;ZHANG Chaochao
Shaanxi Huangling No. 2 Coal Mine Co., Ltd.
In the process of fully mechanized coal mining, the distribution state of coal seam, the levelness of working facefloor and the running posture of the three machines have great influence on the tip to face distance, so the size of tip to facedistance should be controlled within a reasonable safety range. The thickness of coal seam at 303 working face of ShaanxiHuangling No. 2Mine is 3. 0 ~ 5. 8 m with a certain dip angle. In terms of the stability maintenance of the tip to facedistance between hydraulic support and coal wall, accurate monitoring function and automatic control means are inadequate,thus a large number of underground maintenance personnel are still needed to frequently control and intervene. We developa tip to face distance monitoring and control system based on a digital transparent geological model. The system mainly includes four parts: support platform, enhanced perception, baseline template and control prediction. On the basis of big dataintelligent analysis and decision platform, combined with transparent geological model data, a new working mode of tip toface distance monitoring-prediction-control is formed. The industrial test is carried out at the 303 working face of HuanglingNo. 2 well, which achieves the purpose of reducing manpower and improving efficiency, and creates certain economic and social value. The system is the intelligent extension of the traditional tip to face distance monitoring technology with great significance to ensure the safety of personnel and equipment and and efficient production in fully mechanized mining face.
tip to face distance; hydraulic support; face end roof falling; transparent geological model; big data decisionmaking platform