• 全部
  • Title

    Study on simultaneous desalination and removal of organic matter fromwater by electro-Fenton membrane distillation composite process

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHU Sichao;JIANG Ruolan;WANG Jun;LI Kuiling;FANG Duxian;DUAN Yutong;WANG Jianbing

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
    State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry, Research Centerfor Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 摘要
    通过真空抽滤法制备了电催化疏水膜,并以电催化疏水膜为基础耦合了气扫式膜蒸馏和电芬顿技术,开发了可同步实现脱盐与有机物降解的新型电芬顿-膜蒸馏(EF-MD)复合工艺。 研究考察了电催化疏水膜产过氧化氢性能及 EF-MD 工艺的影响因素。 实验结果表明:在电流强度为 160 mA、Fe2+浓度为 1.0 mmol/ L、原料液温度为 60 ℃、硫酸盐浓度为 0.05 mol/ L、pH 为 3、吹扫气体为 O2且流量为 2 L/ min 的条件下,H2O2产量最高可达 126 mg / L;100 h 内 0.5 mmol/ L 草甘膦的降解率可达到 99%以上,TOC 去除率可达 95%,膜通量稳定于 2.37 kg / (m2·h),盐截留率可保持在 99.88%,原料液盐浓度从 7.1 g / L 升高至 38.9 g / L。 EF-MD 复合工艺的成功构建表明,该新型工艺能在同一反应单元内同步实现草甘膦废水的深度处理与浓缩减量,为膜蒸馏运行过程中的膜污染及膜润湿问题提供了新的解决思路。
  • Abstract
    An electrocatalytic hydrophobic membrane was prepared by vacuum filtration method,and anovel electro-Fenton membrane distillation (EF-MD) composite process was developed based on elec⁃trocatalytic hydrophobic membrane coupled with gas - sweeping membrane distillation and electro Fenton technology. The performance of hydrogen peroxide production by electrocatalytic hydrophobicmembrane and the influencing factors of EF-MD process were investigated. The experimental resultsshowed that the H2O2 yield was up to 126 mg / L at a current intensity of 160 mA,a ferrous iron con⁃centration of 1.0 mmol/ L,a feed liquid temperature of 60 ℃,a sulfate concentration of 0.05 mol/ L,apH of 3,a purge gas of O2 and a flow rate of 2 L/ min. The degradation rate of 0.5 mmol/ L glyphosatecould reach over 99% within 100 hours,the TOC removal rate could reach 95%,the membrane flux wasstable at 2.37 kg / (m2·h),and the salt rejection rate could be maintained at 99.88%,with the feedliquid salt concentration increasing from 7.1 g / L to 38.9 g / L. The successful construction of the EFMD composite process demonstrated that this new process could achieve the advanced treatment andconcentration reduction of glyphosate wastewater simultaneously in the same reaction unit,which provid⁃ed a new solution for membrane fouling and membrane wetting problems during the operation of mem⁃brane distillation.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Electro-Fenton; Membrane distillation; Glyphosate; Membrane fouling

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    朱斯超, 蒋若兰, 王军, 等. 电芬顿-膜蒸馏复合工艺同步脱盐及去除水中有机物研究[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(4): 20-29.
  • Citation
    ZHU Sichao, JIANG Ruolan, WANG Jun, et al. Study on simultaneous desalination and removal of organic matterfrom water by electro - Fenton membrane distillation composite process [ J]. Energy Environmental Protection,2023, 37(4): 20-29.
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