• 全部
  • Title

    Peraceti cacid disinfection characteristics and application progressin wastewater treatment plants

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHEN Jiabin;YAO Guanglei;JI Ruicheng;ZHANG Longlong;ZHANG Yalei;ZHOU Xuefei

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, College of EnvironmentalScience and Engineering, Tongji University
  • 摘要
    消毒是污水处理的必要环节,氯是常用化学消毒剂,但消毒过程会产生有害副产物,对人类健康和生态环境造成威胁。 过氧乙酸(PAA)是具有氧化性的有机过氧酸,是替代氯的新型绿色消毒剂。 本综述系统介绍了 PAA 消毒剂的结构特征、消毒特性、副产物生成特性以及生物毒性。随后介绍了 PAA 在污水处理过程中的消毒效果,探讨了 PAA 和 UV 耦合工艺在污水消毒中的增效作用,分析了 PAA 消毒过程中的综合影响因素。 进一步总结了 PAA 在污水消毒领域的具体应用,并介绍了北美、欧洲国家相关典型工程应用案例,以及我国污水处理厂中试研究进展。 最后,对 PAA 在未来污水处理消毒领域的发展方向进行了展望,提出了改进和优化 PAA 消毒技术的策略和方向,以促进 PAA 绿色消毒技术在我国污水处理厂的推广应用。
  • Abstract
    Disinfection is an essential process in wastewater treatment. Chlorine disinfection is a com⁃monly used chemical disinfectant, but it produces harmful by -products that pose threats to humanhealth and the ecological environment. Peracetic acid (PAA) is an oxidizing organic peracid and anemerging green disinfectant that can replace chlorine. This review systematically introduces thestructural characteristics, disinfection properties, by-product formation characteristics, and biotoxicityof PAA disinfectants. The disinfection effect of PAA in wastewater treatment processes is alsodiscussed, including the synergistic effect of PAA and UV coupling technology in wastewater disinfec⁃tion, as well as the comprehensive influencing factors in the PAA disinfection process. Furthermore,specific applications of PAA in wastewater disinfection are summarized, including typical engineeringapplication cases in North America and European countries, along with research progress in pilot-scalestudies conducted in sewage treatment plants in China. Finally, an outlook is provided on the future de⁃velopment direction of PAA in the field of wastewater treatment and disinfection. Strategies and direc⁃tions for improving and optimizing PAA disinfection technology are proposed to promote the widespreadapplication of PAA green disinfection technology in sewage treatment plants in China.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Peracetic acid; Disinfection; Pathogenic microorganisms; Wastewater treatment

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    陈家斌, 姚广磊, 纪睿成, 等. 污水处理厂过氧乙酸消毒特性及应用进展[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(4): 38-45.
  • Citation
    CHEN Jiabin, YAO Guanglei, JI Ruicheng, et al. Peraceti cacid disinfection characteristics and application pro⁃gress in wastewater treatment plants[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(4): 38-45.

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