• 全部
  • Title

    Risks and coping strategies for energy low-carbon transitions:Research based on the new concept of energy security

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Chenglin;ZHOU Yunheng;WANG Funing;FANG Kai

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Public Administration, Zhejiang University
    State Key Lab of Clean Energy Utilization, State Environmental Protection EngineeringCenter for Coal-Fired Air Pollution Control, Zhejiang University
    Zhejiang Ecological Civilization Academy
  • 摘要

    能源低碳转型已成为世界各国应对气候危机和推动可持续发展的重要途径。 然而,已有的研究大多是基于能源供给或者需求安全等相对单一的维度对能源低碳转型的风险与挑战展开分析,这将导致转型风险识别不够全面。 鉴于此,本文在梳理能源安全观内涵演进的基础上,构建了涵盖供需安全、技术安全、信息安全、市场安全和人才安全的新型能源安全观“五维” 分析框架,系统阐述我国能源低碳转型面临的风险,进而提出应对策略,包括保障能源供给,强化供需安全;发挥煤电优势,提升技术安全;维护数据系统,保障信息安全;完善市场机制,维护市场安全;加大人才建设,重视人才安全。 本文认为,以新型能源安全观引领能源低碳转型,对于推动我国“双碳”目标实现和高质量发展具有重大意义。

  • Abstract

    Energy low -carbon transitions have become a crucial approach for countries around theworld to cope with climate crisis and promote sustainable development. However, most of the existingstudies have analyzed the risks and challenges of the energy low - carbon transitions from relativelysingle dimensions, such as energy supply or demand security, which will lead to incomplete identifica⁃tion of transition risks. In view of this, by reviewing the evolution of the connotations of energysecurity, this paper proposes a five-dimensional analytical framework for the new concept of energy se⁃curity, covering supply and demand security, technology security, information security, marketsecurity and talent security. By identifying the risks associated with China′s energy low-carbon transi⁃tions, several coping strategies are discussed, including ensuring energy provision to strengthen supplyand demand security, taking advantages of coal power to improve technology security, maintaining datasystems to safeguard information security, improving market mechanism to preserve market security,and increasing the supply of talents to attach importance to talent security. This paper demonstrates thatthe new concept of energy security to lead energy low-carbon transitions is of great significance for a⁃chieving China′s carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals and high-quality development.

  • 关键词

    能源低碳转型 转型风险 新型能源安全观 “双碳”目标

  • KeyWords

    Energy low-carbon transitions; Transition risk; New concept of energy security; Carbonpeaking and carbon neutrality

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    国 家 社 会 科 学 基 金 重 大 项 目 ( 22&ZD108); 国 家 自 然 科 学 基 金 项 目 ( 72074193, 42341205); 浙 江 省 重 点 研 发 计 划 项 目(2022C03154, 2022C03030)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    李程琳, 周云亨, 王福宁, 等. 能源低碳转型风险及其应对策略———基于新型能源安全观的研究[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(4): 46-55.
  • Citation
    LI Chenglin, ZHOU Yunheng, WANG Funing, et al. Risks and coping strategies for energy low-carbon transi⁃tions: Research based on the new concept of energy security[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(4): 46-55.
  • 相关专题

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