• 全部
  • Title

    Progress in selective electrochemical reduction of nitrate into ammonia

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Zhizhuo;YAO Fubing;WU Xing;GAO Tianyu;SONG Zhenhui;CHAI Xilin;TANG Chongjian

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Metallurgy and Environment, Central South University
    Jiangxi Gaiya Environmental Protection Technology Company
  • 摘要
    硝酸盐(NO-3)电化学选择性还原生成氨(NH3)是实现硝酸盐废水资源化处理的关键。 本文综述了 NO-3电化学还原生成 NH3领域的最新进展,讨论了 NO-3电化学还原的机理,选择性生成NH3的关键步骤是将 NO-3转化为 NO-2和形成 N—H 键;比较了不同电极材料的性能,提出了强化电极性能的调控策略,分析认为材料的晶体结构、形貌及电荷密度是影响电极性能的关键参数;阐述了电化学反应器对 NO-3转化率和 NH3选择性生成的影响规律,明确了电解池的核心是避免阳极的干扰和实现 NH3的原位分离回收。 在此基础上,提出了实现 NO-3 电化学选择性还原生成NH3的重点是开发低成本、稳定高效的电极材料和研发电化学耦合原位分离 NH3的一体化反应器,以及开展长期大规模的实际 NO-3废水电化学选择性还原产 NH3的研究。
  • Abstract
    Selective electrochemical reduction of nitrate (NO3) into ammonia (NH3) is critical for en⁃vironmental remediation and resource recovery. This review comprehensively summarizes the recent ad⁃vances in electrochemical conversion of NO3 into NH3. Mechanisms of NO3 reduction are discussed.The conversion of NO3 into NO2 and formation of N—H is the key for achieving high selectivity of NH3.The technologies and strategies for enhancing the performance of electrode are summarized and com⁃pared. The crystal structure, morphology and charge density of materials are the key factors affectingthe properties of electrode materials. The influence of electrochemical reactor on NO3 conversion andNH3 formation is described. The core of electrolytic cell is to avoid anode interference and in-situ real⁃ize NH3 separation and recovery. With these facts, it is proposed that the strategies for NO3 electro⁃chemical selective reduction synthesis of NH3 are the development of low-cost, stable, and efficient e⁃lectrode materials and electrochemical synthesis and in-situ separation of NH3 reactor. Besides, thelong-term large-scale research on the electrochemical synthesis of NH3 from actual NO3 wastewater iscritical for promoting the industrialization of this technology.
  • 关键词

    电化学还原 硝酸盐废水 硝酸盐还原 选择性还原 氨回收

  • KeyWords

    Electrochemical reduction; Nitrate wastewater; Nitrate reduction; Selective reduction;Ammonia recovery

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    李智卓, 姚福兵, 吴星, 等. 硝酸盐废水电化学选择性还原产氨的研究进展[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(4): 56-67.
  • Citation
    LI Zhizhuo, YAO Fubing, WU Xing, et al. Progress in selective electrochemical reduction of nitrate into ammonia[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(4): 56-67.
  • 相关专题

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