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  • Title

    Study on neurotoxic effects of microplastics and triclosan on the zebrafish

  • 作者


  • Author

    AN Hao;ZHANG Yan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China MCC5 Group Corp. LTD.
    School of Environment, Nanjing University
  • 摘要

    选用斑马鱼为模式生物,探究 3 种微塑料(PP、PE、PVC)和三氯生(TCS)联合暴露对斑马鱼的神经毒性效应。 结果表明:微塑料(MPs) 可以作为 TCS 进入生物体内的载体,MPs 和 TCS联合暴露毒性主要为协同作用;与 TCS 相比,TCS+PP、TCS+PE 和 TCS+PVC 组中 SOD 分别降低了 10.3%、12.4%和 7.9%,AchE 活力分别降低了 10.8%、1.5%和 6.1%,5-HT 含量分别提高了83.2%、37.7%和 59.3%(p<0.05);与 TCS+PE 相比,TCS+PP 组 5-HT 含量提高了 33.1%,具有显著性差异(p<0.05),PP-MPs 和 TCS 联合暴露产生了更强的神经毒性;代谢组分析发现 TCS+PP复合组诱导 98 个特异性变化的代谢物,这些代谢物通过影响氨基酸代谢、甘油磷脂代谢、鞘脂代谢、花生四烯酸代谢和神经活性配体受体相互作用等代谢过程,对脑产生更严重的神经毒性。

  • Abstract

    Zebrafish was chosen as a model organism to explore the neurotoxic effects of combined ex⁃posure to three microplastics (PP, PE, PVC) and triclosan (TCS). The results showed that micro⁃plastics (MPs) could be used as the carriers of TCS in vivo, and the combined toxicity of MPs andTCS was mainly synergistic. Compared with TCS, SOD in TCS+PP, TCS+PE and TCS+ PVC groupsdecreased by 10.3%, 12.4% and 7.9%, and AchE activity decreased by 10.8%, 1.5% and 6.1%, re⁃spectively. The 5-HT content was increased by 83.2%, 37.7% and 59.3% (p<0.05), respectively.Compared with TCS+PE, the 5-HT content in TCS+PP group was increased by 33.1%, showing a sig⁃nificant difference (p<0.05). Combined exposure of PP-MPS and TCS produced stronger neurotoxicity.Metabolome analysis showed that the TCS +PP complex group induced 98 metabolites with specificchanges, and these metabolites produced more serious neurotoxicity to the brain by affecting amino acidmetabolism, glycerophospholipid metabolism, sphingolipid metabolism, arachidonic acid metabolismand neuroactive ligand receptor interaction and other metabolic processes.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Microplastics; Triclosan; Bioaccumulation; Combined toxic effects

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    安浩,张宴. 微塑料和三氯生对斑马鱼的神经毒性效应研究[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(4): 131-139.
  • Citation
    AN Hao, ZHANG Yan. Study on neurotoxic effects of microplastics and triclosan on the zebrafish[J]. Energy En⁃vironmental Protection, 2023, 37(4): 131-139.
  • 相关专题

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