• 全部
  • Title

    Safety risks monitoring and warning throughout the full lifecycle of mine air stopping

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHOU Fubao;SHI Guoqing;WANG Yanming;WEI Lianjiang;XIN Haihui

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China Academy of Safety Science and Technology
    School of Safety Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Mine air stopping is a key facility separating production systems from abandoned ones. Ensuring full lifecycle risk management is of great significance for ensuring safe production. Based on the current status of comprehensive control technology for mine air stopping, the shortcomings of the existing air stopping management mode are analyzed from two aspects: static attribute information management and dynamic information monitoring. The paper puts forward the concept of intelligent management and control in the full lifecycle of air stopping. It indicates the overall construction path of air stopping risk monitoring and early warning based on big data strategy of the Internet of Things (IoT)+Artificial Intelligence (AI)+Cloud Platform (CP), and integrated with cloud-edge architecture. The IoT platform is applied to access digital monitoring and linkage control equipment for air stopping units, achieving transparency in the full lifecycle control of air stopping. The method focuses on the evolution signs of air stopping information and efficient edge computing. It deploys mobile terminals, edge computers and other field terminals to adapt to online prediction and advance warning of air stopping service status. In the smart cloud, the virtual reality scenario of a distributed mine air stopping and its full lifecycle evolution characteristics are reconstructed iteratively in real time with multi-source fused information and digital twin models at the core. The paper analyzes key theories and and model construction methods, including the physical-digital driving mode of evolution information in air stopping environments, the multi-source heterogeneous data fusion model of air stopping perception information, the edge detection and hierarchical intelligent warning of air stopping anomalies, and the emergency intelligent decision-making and collaborative prevention and control throughout the entire lifecycle of air stopping. The physical and functional architecture of an air stopping full lifecycle safety risk monitoring and warning system based on the IoT is designed. The on-site embedded air stopping multi-parameter integrated monitoring sensors and supporting intelligent hosts are developed. The early sensing and monitoring and warning methods for air stopping risks are proposed to achieve digital empowerment and effectively promote the construction of smart mines.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mine air stopping;full lifecycle management;safety risk monitoring;risk warning;Internet of Things;artificial intelligence;cloud platform

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    国家重点研发计划资助项目 (2018YFC0808100)。
  • 文章目录
    0 引言
    1 矿井密闭管控技术现状分析
    1.1 矿井密闭的分类及特征
    1.2 矿井密闭的监测与管控
    1.2.1 矿井密闭静态属性信息管理
    1.2.2 矿井密闭动态信息监测与管理
    2 基于物联网的密闭全生命周期管理
    2.1 基于物联网的装备全生命周期管理技术发展趋势
    2.2 密闭全生命周期管理的关键理论与智能方法
    2.3 密闭全生命周期安全风险监测预警系统物理架构设计
    2.4 密闭全生命周期安全风险监测预警系统功能架构设计
    3 密闭监测管理的关键技术与装备
    3.1 密闭环境信息感知Io T传感器
    3.2 密闭在线监测系统主机
    3.3 密闭安全风险监测预警系统
    4 结语
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    周福宝,时国庆,王雁鸣,等. 矿井密闭全生命周期安全风险监测预警[J]. 工矿自动化,2023,49(6):48-56.
  • Citation
    ZHOU Fubao, SHI Guoqing, WANG Yanming, et al. Safety risks monitoring and warning throughout the full lifecycle of mine air stopping[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2023,49(6):48-56.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 煤矿密闭监测气样监测管布置

    图(7) / 表(0)


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