• 全部
  • Title

    Development and innovative practice from coal mine mechanization to automation and intelligence: Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the founding of Journal of Mine Automation

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Guofa;DU Yibo;CHEN Xiaojing;WANG Hui;BAO Jianjun;XING Zhen;HE Yaoyi;HAN An;GU Yidong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    CCTEG Coal Mining Research Institute
    Coal Mining and Designing Department, Tiandi Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
    CCTEG Changzhou Research Institute
    Tiandi(Changzhou) Automation Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    回顾《工矿自动化》杂志推动和见证中国煤炭50年从煤矿机械化到自动化和智能化发展与创新实践的发展概况,阐述了煤矿自动化和智能化的创新历程。对煤矿信息基础设施、自动化及智能化装备和系统的研发与实践进行了分析。实现异构网络融合与统一承载是煤矿自动化、智能化的信息基础。在主干网+接入网异构网络不断成熟的基础上,有线通信传输速率已达10 Gibit/s以上,5G和WiFi6等无线通信技术得到广泛应用,为煤矿智能化建设提供了可靠的通信平台;将有线通信、无线通信、IP广播、人员位置监测系统、视频监控系统融合,构建多网融合通信系统,实现了融合承载网络与统一位置服务。煤矿自动化、智能化装备发展迅速,采煤工作面在实现工作面采煤机记忆截割、液压支架自动跟机移架等技术的基础上,探索基于透明地质的工作面自适应截割技术、自动放煤控制技术等;掘进工作面在实现仿形截割、定位导航、远程控制的基础上,针对钻锚一体化、多机协同、基于地质模型的掘进截割模板规划等技术进行攻关,取得较好效果;智能变频节能传动支撑煤流运输系统智能装备发展;煤矿机器人集成研发及应用,巡检机器人成熟应用,智能辅助作业机器人得到攻关,多场景机器人集群调度指挥系统研发形成机器人集群。煤矿自动化和智能化建设由单系统自动化、矿井综合自动化、矿山物联网阶段正式迈入智能矿山综合管控阶段,实现智能感知、智能自控、高速传输、协同管控和智能决策是智能化发展的必然要求。提出了煤矿智能化技术迭代发展重点方向,包括建立高精度透明地质模型、无人操作系统常态化可靠运行、构建煤矿巨系统智能化兼容与协同机制、“掘、采、运、洗、销”全流程智能协同管控、优化柔性煤炭生产供给体系。
  • Abstract
    This paper reviews the general situation of the development and innovation practice of China's coal industry in the past 50 years promoted and witnessed by the Journal of Mine Automation from coal mine mechanization to automation and intelligence. This paper expounds on the innovation process of coal mine automation and intelligence. It focuses on the analysis of the research and development and practice of coal mine information infrastructure, automation and intelligent equipment and systems. The integration and unified hosting of heterogeneous networks is the information foundation for coal mine automation and intelligence. On the basis of the continuous maturity of the heterogeneous network of the backbone network and access network, the wired communication transmission rate has reached over 10 Gibit/s. The wireless communication technologies such as 5G and WiFi6 have been widely applied, providing a reliable communication platform for the intelligent construction of coal mines. Wired communication, wireless communication, IP broadcasting, personnel locaiton monitoring system, and video monitoring system are integrated to build a multi-network integrated communication system, achieving integrated carrier network and unified location service. The development of intelligent automation equipment in coal mines is rapid. It explores adaptive cutting technology based on transparent geology, automatic coal release control technology on the basis of technologies such as memory cutting of coal mining machines and automatic following and moving of hydraulic brackets at coal mining working face. On the basis of achieving profiling cutting, positioning navigation, and remote control, the excavation working face has made breakthroughs in technologies such as drilling anchor integration, multi-machine collaboration, and cutting template planning of roadheader based on geological model, achieving good results. The development of intelligent equipment for coal flow transportation systems is supported by intelligent variable frequency energy-saving transmission. The integrated research and application of coal mine robots are achieved. The mature application of inspection robots is obtained. The breakthroughs in intelligent auxiliary operation robots are achieved. The development of a multi-scene robot cluster scheduling and command system forms a robot cluster. The automation and intelligent construction of coal mines have officially entered the stage of intelligent mine comprehensive control from single system automation, comprehensive mine automation, and the Internet of Things. The realization of intelligent perception, intelligent self-control, high-speed transmission, collaborative control, and intelligent decision-making is an inevitable requirement for the development of intelligence. The paper proposes key directions for the iterative development of coal mine intelligent technology, including the establishment of high-precision transparent geological models, the normal and reliable operation of unmanned operating systems, the construction of intelligent compatibility and collaboration mechanisms for coal mine giant systems, the intelligent collaborative control of the entire process of "excavation, mining, transportation, washing, and sales", and the optimization of a flexible coal production and supply system.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    China's coal industry;intelligent coal mining;communication network technology;intelligent equipment;integrated control system

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录
    0 引言
    1 从煤矿机械化到自动化和智能化的发展历程
    1.1 煤矿机械化到自动化
    1.2 煤矿自动化到智能化
    2 煤矿信息基础设施的发展与演进
    2.1 煤矿网络技术的发展与演进
    2.2 煤矿通信技术的发展与演进
    2.3 煤矿定位技术的发展与演进
    2.4 智能矿山信息基础设施建设发展趋势
    3 煤矿自动化和智能化装备的研发与产业链发展
    3.1 采煤工作面自动化和智能化装备发展
    3.2 掘进工作面自动化和智能化装备发展
    3.3 智能变频传动装备发展
    3.4 煤矿辅助作业装备与机器人发展
    4 煤矿自动化和智能化系统的研发与应用
    4.1 单系统自动化阶段
    4.2 矿井综合自动化阶段
    4.3 矿山物联网阶段
    4.3.1 矿山物联网系统体系架构和关键技术
    4.3.2 矿山物联网系统与常规自动化系统的区别
    4.4 智能矿山综合管控阶段
    4.4.1 智能感知及执行(端)
    4.4.2 智能自控(边)
    4.4.3 智能矿山综合管控平台(云)
    5 煤矿智能化技术前景展望
    5.1 建立高精度透明地质模型
    5.2 无人操作系统常态化可靠运行
    5.3 构建煤矿巨系统智能化兼容与协同机制
    5.5 优化柔性煤炭生产供给体系
    6 结论
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    WANG Guofa, DU Yibo, CHEN Xiaojing, et al. Development and innovative practice from coal mine mechanization to automation and intelligence: Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the founding of Journal of Mine Automation[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2023,49(6):1-18.
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    • 井下精确定位系统架构

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