• 全部
  • Title

    Advanced drilling detection and multi-information identification of water-conducting channel of coal floor

  • 作者


  • Author

    DONG Shuning;LI Zhi;ZHENG Shitian;GUO Xiaoming;WANG Yuhang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China Coal Research Institute
    CCTEG Xi’an Research Institute(Group)Co., Ltd.
    Shannxi Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Water Hazard Prevention and Control Technology
  • 摘要

    煤层底板多发育有各类导水通道,严重威胁着矿井的安全生产。为更加科学地建立底板导水通道多元信息识别技术体系,预防底板突水,首先根据导水通道类型多样、位置不明、突水危害大等特征和地面定向钻进区域探查技术的优点,提出了轨迹合理、目标层合理和探查区域最大化的探查原则。其次总结分析了淮北矿区、淮南矿区、邢台矿区、黄河北煤田等区域导水通道探查过程,发现在揭露导水通道时,岩屑、钻时、钻井液漏失量等直观指标和压水试验透水率、注浆参数等验证性指标均与正常地层有明显差别。为此将钻探过程中多源信息判识指标分为定性和定量两大类。根据钻遇导水通道时,岩屑和钻时2项定性指标的变化幅度,给出了对应的标准曲线,进而确定了导水通道类型分类体系;接着综合分析钻井液漏失量和压水试验透水率2项定量指标在钻孔揭露导水通道时的变化,提出了钻井液漏失量30 m3/h、压水试验透水率10 Lu作为导水性分级的界限,据此建立了通道导水性能双因素综合分级体系,将导水性划分为4个等级。最后以华北型煤田某典型矿井为例,根据探查原则实施4个孔组对导水通道进行了超前探查,应用多元信息识别技术成功判识出探查区域内的4条断层、2处岩溶裂隙带和1个陷落柱,并确定了导水通道的导水性等级。研究成果对提升煤层底板导水通道识别和治理具有指导作用和重要意义。

  • Abstract

    The coal floor develops various water-conducting channels, which seriously threaten the safe production of mines. In order to establish a more scientific multi-information identification technology system for the water-conducting channels in the coal floor, and prevent floor water inrush. Firstly, the principles of reasonable trajectory, reasonable target layer and exploration area maximization are proposed based on the characteristics of the water-conducting channels and the advantages of the ground directional drilling area exploration technology. Diversified types, unclear locations, and significant water inrush hazards are the characteristics of water-conducting channels. Secondly, the summary analysis is conducted on the exploration process of water diversion channels in areas such as HuaiBei Mining Area, Huainan Mining Area, Xingtai Mining Area, and Huanghebei Coal Field. When revealing the water-conducting channels, there are significant differences in visual indicators such as rock debris, drilling time, drilling fluid leakage, and confirmatory indicators such as permeability and grouting parameters compared to revealing normal formations. Therefore, the identification indicators of multi-information during the drilling process are divided into two types: qualitative and quantitative. Based on the variation amplitude of two qualitative indicators, rock debris and drilling time, when encountering water-conducting channels, it gives corresponding standard curves, and determines the classification system for water-conducting channel types. Subsequently, a comprehensive analysis is conducted on the changes in the two quantitative indicators of drilling fluid leakage and permeability when encountering water-conducting channels. 30 m3/h of drilling fluid leakage and 10 Lu of permeability are proposed as the classification criteria for conductivity. Based on this, a dual factor comprehensive classification system for water-conducting channels conductivity is established, and the conductivity is divided into four levels. Finally, taking a typical mine in the North China coalfield as a case study, the principle of exploration is adopted to explore the water-conducting channels. The multi-information identification technology is applied to successfully identify four faults, two karst fracture zones and a collapse in the detection area, and determines conductivity levels of water-conducting channels. The research results have guiding effect and important significance for improving the identification and control of water-conducting channels.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    advanced detection;ground directional drilling;prevention of floor water hazard;water-conducting channel

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    董书宁,李 智,郑士田,等. 煤层底板导水通道钻孔超前探查与多元信息识别技术[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(7):15−23
  • Citation
    DONG Shuning,LI Zhi,ZHENG Shitian,et al. Advanced drilling detection and multi-information identification of water-conducting channel of coal floor[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(7):15−23
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