• 全部
  • Title

    Geochemical characteristics of sandstones in Luohe Formation of DafosiWellfield and their constraints on paleoenviornment and provenance

  • 作者


  • Author

    CAI Yue;LUO Xudong;ZHOU Duidui;LIU Jiapeng;HE Jing;WANG Qingguo;LI Dengke;WEI Shaoni

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Geology and Environment, Xi’an University of Science and Technology
    Geological Research Institute for Coal Green Mining, Xi’ an University of Science and Technology
    Shaanxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Geological Support for Coal Green Exploitation
    Shaanxi Binchang Dafosi Mining Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    下白垩统洛河组含水层是鄂尔多斯盆地南部大佛寺井田煤炭开采的主要充水含水层,为查明洛河组沉积期古环境、古气候及物质来源,系统采集样品开展微量元素及稀土元素地球化学分析。结果表明:洛河组砂岩氧化还原判别指标数值较低,U/Th为0.17~1.07,平均0.37;Ni/Co为1.14~2.17,平均1.67;AU为-1.33~7.29,平均0.28;Ceanom为-0.21~-0.07,平均-0.17,指示洛河组沉积期为氧化环境;Co含量为4.38~20.06,平均8.21,定量计算出沉积期的平均古水深为4.14 m,属于浅水环境;Sr/Ba比值中等,为0.33~1.99,平均0.82;Th/U比值较高,为0.93~5.94,平均3.10,指示洛河组沉积期为陆相淡水环境;Sr/Cu比值较高,为12.90~362.84,平均95.12;Rb/Sr比值较低,为0.13~0.72,平均0.29,指示干燥气候背景下沉积,大佛寺井田洛河组为干燥气候背景下氧化环境中的陆相浅水沉积。洛河组砂岩具有与北秦岭较一致的稀土配分模式,指示物源来自北秦岭,主要为长英质、基性岩混合物源和安山岩岛弧物源。
  • Abstract

    The Lower Cretaceous ultra-thick Luohe Formation aquifer is the main water-filled aquifer forcoal mining in the Dafosi wellfield in the southern part of the Ordos Basin. In order to identify thepalaeoenvironment, palaeoclimate and its material provenances, samples of sandstones were systemati-cally collected for trace element and rare earth element geochemical analysis. The results show that theredox indicators of the sandstones of the Luohe Formation are low, with U/ Th ranging from 0. 17 to1. 07, with an average of 0. 37; Ni/ Co ranging from 1. 14 to 2. 17, with an average of 1. 67; AU rangingfrom - 1. 33 to 7. 29, with an average of 0. 28; Ceanom ranging from - 0. 21 to - 0. 07, with an averageof - 0. 17, indicating an oxic environment in the water column during the deposition of the Luohe For-mation. Co contents range from 4. 38 to 20. 06, with an average of 8. 21, quantifying the average paleo-depth of 4. 14 m during the deposition period, which is a shallow water environment. Sr/ Ba ratios aremoderate, ranging from 0. 33 to 1. 99, with an average of 0. 82; Th / U ratios are high, ranging from 0. 93to 5. 94, with an average of 3. 10, indicating a terrestrial freshwater environment during the depositionof the Luohe Formation. Sr/ Cu ratios are high, ranging from 12. 90 to 362. 84, with an average of95. 12; Rb / Sr ratios are low, ranging from 0. 13 to 0. 72, with an average of 0. 29, indicating depositionin a dry climatic context. It reflects that the Luohe Formation in the Dafosi Wellfield is a terrestrialshallow water deposit formed in an oxic environment and a dry climatic context. The rare earth elementspatterns of the sandstones from the Luohe Formation are more consistent with the North Qinling, indi-cate that its provenance is from the North Qinling Mountains, which is mainly a mixture of felsic andbasaltic provenances and andesitic island arc provenances.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    geochemistry; Luohe Formation; paleosedimentary environment; material provenances

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引 言
    1 区域地质背景
    2 样品采集与分析方法
    3 测试结果
    4 讨 论
    4.1 古氧化还原环境
    4.2 古水深与古盐度
    4.3 古气候
    4.4 沉积物源区
    5 结 论
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    CAI Yue,LUO Xudong,ZHOU Duidui,et al.Geochemical characteristics of sandstones in Luohe Formation of Dafosi Wellfield andtheir constraints on paleoenviornment and provenance[ J].Journal of Xi’an University of Science and Technology,2023,43( 4):752-760.

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