Research on NOx emission characteristics of pulverized coal oxygen⁃enriched staged combustion
GONG Yanyan
Beijing Tiandi Rongchuang Technology Corporation Ltd
National Energy Technology and Equipment Laboratory of Coal Utilization and Emission Control
State Key Laboratory of High Efficient Mining and Clean Utilization of Coal Resources
Developing efficient and clean coal powder combustion technology is one of the effective approaches toachieve the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. Air staged combustion technology forms a reducing atmos⁃phere in the early stage of coal powder combustion and can effectively suppress NOx production, but it is not condu⁃cive to coal powder burnout. Using oxygen⁃enriched staged combustion can prolong the residence time of coal powderin the reducing atmosphere, inhibit NOx generation, and promote coal powder burnout. Therefore, it is necessary tostudy the secondary air excess oxygen coefficient, secondary air oxygen concentration and air classification coefficienton NOx emissions from oxygen-enriched staged combustion of coal powder. In this paper, a two⁃stage high tempera⁃ture dropper furnace was used to study the NOxemission of fractional combustion of pulverized coal under the conditionof 1 300 ℃ and oxygen⁃enriched. The experimental results show that the optimal secondary air oxygen concentration(c2) corresponding to the lowest NOx emission concentration increases with the decrease of the secondary air excessoxygen coefficient (α2). When α2 >0. 6, NO emission concentration increases with the increasing of secondary airoxygen concentration. When α2 = 0. 4-0. 5, NO emission concentration decreases first and then increases with the in⁃crease of secondary air oxygen concentration. When α2<0. 3, NO emission concentration decreases with the increaseof secondary air oxygen concentration. Oxygen⁃enriched staged combustion can significantly reduce NO emissions.When α2 = 0. 3-0. 6, the NO reduction ratio is higher than 75%. When α2 = 0. 3-0. 5 and c2 = 50%-100%, the NOreduction ratio is higher than 85%, and the carbon content of fly ash is lower than 8%. The emission concentration ofN2O and NO2in the flue gas is relatively low, and the emission of NO2 is negligible under the oxygen-enriched classi⁃fication condition. The emission concentration of N2O decreases with the increase of the secondary air excess oxygencoefficient, and increasing the oxygen concentration can also further reduce the N2O emission.
pulverized coal; NOx emission characteristics; oxygen⁃enriched staged combustion; low⁃nitrogen com⁃bustion; burning efficiency; air classification coefficient; carbon content
龚艳艳. 煤粉富氧分级燃烧 NOx排放特性研究 [J]. 煤质技术, 2023, 38 (3): 20-27.
GONG Yanyan. Research on NOx emission characteristics of pulverized coal oxygen-enriched staged combustion[J]. Coal Quality Technology, 2023, 38 (3): 20-27.