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葡萄糖共代谢作用下Achromobacter sp.对焦化废水中吡啶的生物降解特性
  • Title

    Achromobacter sp. biodegradation characteristics for pyridine in cokingwastewater based on glucose co⁃metabolism

  • 作者


  • Author

    FENG Xiaojiao;DENG Ming;CHI Haijun;LIU Jianing;JIN Wenjie

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Chemical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Liaoning
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The pyridine in coking wastewater has strong toxicity, teratogenicity, and carcinogenicity, and it is diffi⁃cult to be effectively degraded. Therefore, it is of great significance to explore the efficient pyridine degradation inwastewater by Achromobacter sp. with glucose co⁃metabolism. Combining with the bacteria identification and Haldanemodel, the pyridine metabolites and its metabolic pathway were analyzed. The growth kinetics of Achromobacter sp.was analyzed using the Haldane model. The bio⁃augmentation treatment of coking wastewater and the degradationcharacteristics of Achromobacter sp. for pyridine were studied. Research on how the Achromobacter sp. degradates theof pyridine (a difficult to degrade substance in industrial wastewater) was done, we can see that he optimal condi⁃tions for pyridine degradation by this strain are an initial concentration of 400 mg / L and an inoculation volume of 10%(volume ratio). On this basis, 150 mg / L glucose as the co⁃metabolism substrate is added into the solution, the pyri⁃dine degradation efficiency can reach 98. 06% in 32 h. GC⁃MS analysis shows that the pyridine metabolic pathway isthrough breaking the chemical bond between N and C2 on the pyridine ring to produce intermediate NH+4 and glutaral⁃dehyde. The bacteria growth kinetics conform to Haldane model in initial pyridine concentration of 100 mg / L to700 mg / L. The maximum specific growth rate ( μmax ) is 0. 61 h-1 and substrate inhibition coefficient ( Ki ) is734. 01 mg / L. Based on glucose co⁃metabolism, the coupling of Achromobacter sp. and activated sludge shortens thepyridine removal time in coking wastewater from 40 h to 24 h, and the TOC degradation efficiency increases from84. 31% to 91. 44%. The strain Achromobacter sp. can effectively be used for pyridine⁃containing wastewater treat⁃ment, which provides a new way for its bioremediation.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coking wastewater; biodegradation characteristics; Achromobacter sp.; pyridine; degradation efficien⁃cy; metabolic pathway; substrate inhibition coefficient; bacteria growth kinetics

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    冯晓娇, 邓铭, 迟海军, 等. 葡萄糖共代谢作用下 Achromobacter sp. 对焦化废水中吡啶的生物降解特性[J]. 煤质技术, 2023, 38 (3): 28-36.
  • Citation
    FENG Xiaojiao, DENG Ming, CHI Haijun, et al. Achromobacter sp. biodegradation characteristics for pyridine incoking wastewater based on glucose co⁃metabolism [J]. Coal Quality Technology, 2023, 38 (3): 28-36.
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