Study on co⁃gasification characteristics of oil residue semi⁃cokewith steam and CO2
XU Chunxia;WANG Xueyun;GUO Liangyuan;LI Yang
China Coal Research Institute Corporation Ltd.
National Energy Technology & Equipment Laboratory of Coal Utilization and Emission Control
Beijing Key Laboratory of Coal Based Carbon Materials
Studying the gasification characteristics of direct coal liquefaction residue can promote the efficient utiliza⁃tion of direct coal liquefaction residue, and improve the economic and environmental benefits of coal liquefactionprocess. Oil residue semi⁃coke and deashing oil residue semi⁃coke obtained from Shenhua coal direct liquefaction resi⁃due were used as experimental samples. Using atmospheric pressure thermogravimetry, the difference of gasificationreactivity between oil residue semi⁃coke and steam and CO2 under gasification temperature of 950 ℃, 1 000 ℃,1 050 ℃ and gasification agent concentration of 30%, 60% and 90% were studied. At gasification temperature of1 000 ℃ and gasifier concentration of 60%, the difference of gasification reactivity betweendeashing oil residuesemi⁃coke and steam and CO2were studied. The synergistic effect of oil residue semi⁃coke co⁃gasification with steamand CO2 were studied. The results show that the gasification reactivity of oil residue semi⁃coke with CO2 ishigher than that with steam except for some conditions. The gasification reactivity of deashing oil residue semi⁃cokewith CO2 is significantly lower than that with steam. The experimental values of carbon conversion rate of oil residuesemi⁃coke co⁃gasification with different concentrations of CO2 and steam are slightly lower than the calculated values,and the co⁃gasification of oil residue semi⁃coke with different concentrations of CO2 and steam has a negative synergis⁃tic effect. When oil residue semi⁃coke is gasified with steam and CO2, the reactivity index (R′) increases with theincrease of gasification temperature under the same gasification agent ratio, and the reactivity index (R′) increaseswith the increase of gasification agent ratio under the same gasification temperature. Under the same conditions, thereactivity index (R′) of oil residue semi⁃coke in CO2 atmosphere is higher than that in steam atmosphere. The reac⁃tivity index (R′) of deashing oil residue semi⁃coke in CO2 atmosphere is significantly lower than that in steam atmos⁃phere. The reactivity of oil residue semi⁃coke is significantly higher than that of deashing oil residue semi⁃coke, espe⁃cially in CO2 atmosphere.
oil residue semi⁃coke; gasification characteristics; catalyst; CO2; steam; reactivity index; car⁃bon conversion rate; synergistic effect
徐春霞, 王学云, 郭良元, 等. 油渣半焦与水蒸气及 CO2 共气化特性研究 [ J]. 煤质技术, 2023, 38(3): 49-56.
XU Chunxia, WANG Xueyun, GUO Liangyuan, et al. Study on co⁃gasification characteristics of oil residuesemi⁃coke with steam and CO2 [J]. Coal Quality Technology, 2023, 38 (3): 49-56.