The application of coal sample flow control technology based on internet
CHEN Hailin;LIU Xiudong;KANG Fei;FANG Lidong;WANG Guiying;WEI Hailong;XU Dawei;AN Qiuge
China Certification and Inspection Group Hebei Corporation Ltd.
In order to increase the security and confidentiality in the testing process, it is necessary to develop a coalsample circulation control system based on internet technology to optimize the business management process. A kind ofintegrated laboratory information management software was introduced, a more secure and intelligent system based oninternet technology and suitable for the whole process management of coal detection sample circulation was studied to beestablished. That is, using UHF RFID radio frequency identification technology, the sample information encryption,flow tracking and key information acquisition in the system can be realized. The overall framework of coal sampleflow control system was explained from the aspects such as overall design idea, realization goal and system integrationrelationship. Combining with workflow design, log management and architecture design of log management analysis sys⁃tem, based on the main functions of the sample information management system, through the design and developmentof sample barrels and information transmission encryption technology, the technical implementation of coal sampleflow control system can be achieved. The security performance of the system was discussed in terms of the sample infor⁃mation security guarantee, role⁃based access control, real⁃time control and playback query of the movement track, thestatus feedback function of the sample barrel lock and the usage record query function. In order to realize the unique i⁃dentification of sample identity in the process of sample circulation system, an intelligent sample storage device for coalsample transportation was developed, which has the functions of information transmission and monitoring, it canensure that the samples are transported according to the scheduled time and route, and there are specially assigned per⁃sonnel to control the sample transportation device. Based on research and development of sample flow control technologyand sample barrels using the internet, we make the internet technology and standard LIMS systems integrated effective⁃ly. Thus, the organic combination of permissions, electronic fences, trajectory can be realized. Comprehensivereal⁃time monitoring and information query of the entire process can effectively control the risk of coal sample circulationprocess, traceability of sample status data can be realized and the reliability of testing results can be increased.
sample flow control technique; internet technology; intelligence; sample information management sys⁃tem; sample bucket; electronic fence; Information transmission and encryption technology
陈海林, 刘旭东, 康菲, 等. 基于互联网的煤样流转控制技术及其应用 [J]. 煤质技术, 2023, 38 (3):63-70.
CHEN Hailin, LIU Xiudong, KANG Fei, et al. The application of coal sample flow control technology based on in⁃ternet [J]. Coal Quality Technology, 2023, 38 (3): 63-70.