• 全部
  • Title

    Application of big data technology in coal quality management

  • 作者


  • Author

    HAN Jianying;ZHU Jing;ZHAO Lijiao

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Ximing Coal Preparation Plant of Shanxi Coking Coal Group Corporation Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The big data technology which collects, calculates, analyzes and manages data quickly and efficientlyand provides accurate coal quality trend analysis, the application in coal quality management can improve productionefficiency and implement lean management. Ximing Coal Preparation Plant has independently developed a compre⁃hensive management system for coal quality data research and analysis report based on VBA (Visual Basic for Appli⁃cations). The system uses big data technology to manage a large amount of coal quality data in the database. It is ex⁃pected to provide data support for coal production in mines and coal preparation plants. This paper introduced themain functions characteristics and implementation of main functions within the system of the comprehensive manage⁃ment system of coal quality data research and analysis report, elaborated on the implementation and application of bigdata technology in data collection, preprocessing, storage, and other aspects. Combining with big data mining anddata analysis, the stability and security of the system database, as well as the extensibility and scalability of the sys⁃tem were analyzed. The enterprise shall give consideration to the optimal production while ensuring the quality of coalproducts, and strive to provide high⁃quality data to the managers at all levels from the aspects of coal mining, wash⁃ing, storage, transportation and sales. According to the data results, the dispatching and command system shall ad⁃just the process of coal mining, transportation, storage, washing and packing in time, and improve the quality sta⁃bility and the qualified rate of the clean coal products and correctly guide the first⁃line production, therefore, the de⁃velopment of coal quality management from traditional models to modern management methods can be achieved, and anew situation in grassroots coal quality management can be created.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    big data technology; coal quality management; integrated management system; database; high qualitydata; system extensibility

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    韩建英, 朱晶, 赵丽娇. 大数据技术在煤质管理中的应用研究 [J]. 煤质技术, 2023, 38 (3): 71-77.
  • Citation
    HAN Jianying, ZHU Jing, ZHAO Lijiao. Application of big data technology in coal quality management [J]. CoalQuality Technology, 2023, 38 (3): 71-77.

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