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  • Title

    Microbial community characteristics of deep groundwater in Huaibei coalfield and its significance in water source tracing

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHEN Jiayu;GUI Herong;GUO Yan;LI Jun

  • 单位

    安徽理工大学 地球与环境学院国家煤矿水害防治工程技术研究中心(宿州学院)

  • Organization
    School of Earth and Environment, Anhui University of Science and Technology
    National Engineering Research Center of Coal Mine Water Hazard Controlling (Suzhou University)
  • 摘要
    煤矿开采及疏水降压,打破了深层地下水的天然平衡系统,导致不同含水层微生物群落的时空变化。利用淮北煤田矿井水文孔采集深度分别为600和750 m的二叠系煤系砂岩含水层(煤系)和石炭系太原组灰岩含水层(太灰)地下水样品,利用16S rRNA基因V4区测序方法,开展深层地下水微生物群落多样性测试与分析。结果表明,煤系水和太灰水样品微生物分类单元(OUTs)数目范围分别为968~3071和820~3894,平均值分别为1 980.43和1 847.81。ACE、Shannon和Chao值呈现煤系水 > 太灰水、Simpson指数呈现煤系水<太灰水的特征,说明地下水微生物群落组成多样性煤系水 > 太灰水;太灰水和煤系水中主要优势菌门均为Proteobacteria、Bacteroidota和Planctomycetota, 相对丰度分别介于41.48%~97.36%、0.57%~48.01%和0.13%~15.29%;煤系水主要优势菌属为Thiovirga、Hydrogenophaga和Flavobacterium,相对丰度分别占煤系水中总菌属的5.98%、4.39%、3.43%。太灰水主要优势菌属为Hydrogenophaga、Acinetobacter、Thiobacillus,相对丰度占比分别为11.13%、4.72%和4.40%;煤系水和太灰水含水层特有OTU数目分别为1 759和4 107个;F−、K+、ORP是影响地下水微生物群落的主要环境因子,K+对太灰水菌群群落丰度的影响大于煤系水,F−对煤系水和太灰水菌群群落影响相差不大;随着含水层深度的增加,F−和K+对菌群群落丰度的影响逐渐增大。淮北煤炭典型污染物F−质量浓度的升高强化了部分菌群,导致微生物群落组成发生变化。由煤田采动造成的地下水污染同时使Thiothrix在太灰水中得以富集。煤系水、太灰水是淮北煤田煤矿开采的主要充水水源,而且具有不同的微生物群落特征,从而为煤矿涌(突)水水源识别提供了一种新的方法,为煤矿水害防治提供保障。
  • Abstract
    The natural balance system of deep groundwater is disturbed by coal mining and drainage depressurization, leading to temporal and spatial changes in microbial communities in different aquifers. Herein, groundwater samples of Permian coal measures sandstone aquifer and Carboniferous Taiyuan Formation limestone aquifer with depths of 600 and 750 m are collected from the mine hydrological holes in Huaibei coalfield, and 16S rRNA gene V4 region sequencing method is used to test and analyze the microbial community diversity of deep groundwater. The operational taxonomic units (OTUs) numbers of coal measure water and Taiyuan limestone water samples range from 968−3071 and 820−3894, respectively, with the average values being 1980.43 and 1847.81 respectively. ACE, Shannon and Chao values show that coal measure water > Taiyuan limestone water. Simpson index shows that coal measure water < Taiyuan limestone water, indicating that coal measure water > Taiyuan limestone water, regarding the diversity of microbial community composition in groundwater. Main dominant bacteria phylum in Taiyuan limestone water and coal measure water are Proteobacteria, Bacteroidota and Planctomycetota; their relative abundance ranging 41.48%−97.36%, 0.57%–48.01%, 0.13%–15.29%, respectively. Main dominant bacteria genera in coal measure water are Thiovirga, Hydrogenophaga, and Flavobacterium; their relative abundance accounting for 5.98%, 4.39% and 3.43%, respectively of the total bacteria in the coal measure water. Hydrogenopaga, Acinetobacter and Thiobacillus are the main dominant bacteria genera in Taiyuan limestone water, their relative abundance being 11.13%, 4.72% and 4.40% respectively. Unique OTUs in coal measure and Taiyuan limestone aquifers number 1759 and 4107, respectively. F−, K+ and ORP are the main environmental factors affecting the bacterial community in groundwater. K+ impacts the abundance of the bacterial community in the Taiyuan limestone water to a greater extent than that of coal measure water. Contrarily, F− affects the bacterial community in the coal measure water and Taiyuan limestone water is similar. As the aquifer depth increases, so does the influence of F− and K+ on the microbial community abundance. The increase of F− concentration of typical pollutants in Huaibei Coal strengthens some bacterial communities, resulting in changes in microbial community composition. The groundwater pollution caused by coal mining also enriches Thiothrix in the ash water. Huaibei coal measure water and Taihui limestone water are the main water filling sources for coal mining in Huaibei coalfield. Knowledge of the deep underground of the coalfield and how different water microbial community change, has been improved by this work, thereby providing a new method for identifying the water source of coal mine gushing (outburst), and a guarantee for the prevention and control of water disasters in coal mines.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Huaibei coalfield;deep groundwater;microbial community;environmental factor;high throughput sequencing

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    陈家玉,桂和荣,郭艳,等. 淮北煤田深层地下水微生物群落特征及其水源示踪意义[J]. 煤炭学报,2023,48(9):3503−3512.
  • Citation
    CHEN Jiayu,GUI Herong,GUO Yan,et al. Microbial community characteristics of deep groundwater in huaibei coalfield and its significance in water source tracing[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(9):3503−3512.
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