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  • Title

    Research progress in extraction chemicals from coal tar by high⁃valueutilization technology

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHANG Qiulian;HE Guofeng;CHEN Mingbo;SUN Hongxing;LIU Yewei;LIU Jinqiu;YAN Jian

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China Coal Technology & Engineering Clean Energy Corporation Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Based on the deep processing of coal tar to produce high⁃value⁃added chemicals,it has become an impor⁃tant path for coal chemical enterprises to achieve upgrading and transformation. Utilizing coal tar as a rawmaterial,chemicals such as α / β⁃methylnaphthalene,quinoline,indole,acenaphthene,dibenzofuran,and fluorene havebeen synthesized and widely applied in fields including photoresists,encapsulation materials,and electronic lumines⁃cent materials.The deep processing of coal tar to extract high⁃value chemicals has become a key technology urgent⁃ly needed to be developed in the advanced energy and electronic materials industries. It is necessary tosummarize the current research and application status of coal tar deep processing technology in China to provide sup⁃port for the development and practical implementation of coal tar deep processing technology.This review provides anoverview of the current state of extracting high⁃value⁃added chemicals from coal tar,outlines the market applicationsof coal⁃based high⁃value chemicals and related research progress, summarizes key technological routes forproducing coal⁃based high⁃value chemicals.By analyzing the current status of coal tar deep processing technology andits market,the importance and necessity of researching the extraction of coal tar wash oil fractions for producing high⁃value chemicals are proposed.The research significance and development prospects of extracting high⁃value chemicalsfrom coal tar wash oil fractions are refined.Research indicates that the deep processing of coal tar to extract high⁃val⁃ue chemicals is a crucial avenue for the utilization of coal tar.However,the current state of deep processing technologyfor coal tar in China is characterized by weak technological accumulation,lack of core patented products,low⁃gradeseparation and refining equipment,which hinder the production of high⁃value⁃added chemicals.The focus primarily re⁃mains on low⁃value intermediate and crude monomer products,serving as raw materials for downstream deep processingby foreign manufacturers as industrial raw materials for high⁃end products.Developing coal tar wash oil fraction to pro⁃duce electronic⁃grade chemicals,and then subsequently utilized as raw materials for derivatives like photoresists,LED/OLED display luminescent materials,sealant curing agents,and flexible display substrate materials,have the poten⁃tial to address the core challenges in China’s coal⁃based electronic⁃grade chemical sector.Initiating research on produ⁃cing high⁃value⁃added chemicals from wash oil fractions through deep processing is a pivotal technological avenue toenhance the value of coal tar.It can cater to the market demand for products such as fluorene and β⁃methylnaphtha⁃lene derived from coal tar wash oil fractions.By building upon existing domestic wash oil deep processing techniquesand conducting innovative upgrades,research and development of technology for producing high⁃value⁃added chemicalsfrom wash oil fractions can yield low⁃cost,low⁃energy consumption,and high⁃value coal⁃based electronic⁃grade chemi⁃cals,and the industrialization and scaling can be realized,substantial growth prospects can be offered.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coaltar; high⁃valuechemicals; deepprocessingtechnology; washoilfraction; coal⁃basedelectronic⁃grade chemicals; intermediates; crude monomer products

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    常秋连, 何国锋, 陈明波, 等. 煤焦油深加工技术分离提取高值化学品研究进展 [J]. 煤质技术, 2023,38 (4): 10-20.
  • Citation
    CHANG Qiulian, HE Guofeng, CHEN Mingbo, et al. Research progress in extraction chemicals from coal tarby high⁃value utilization technology [J]. Coal Quality Technology, 2023, 38 (4): 10-20.
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