Study on the migration path of nitrogen in coal during O2 / N2 andO2 / CO2 oxygen enriched combustion
WEI Yanrong
The reducing atmosphere formed by air staged combustion in the early stage of coal combustion is the mainfactor that suppresses the generation of fuel type NOx. Oxygen rich staged combustion can expand the reducing areain the early stage of coal combustion, extend the residence time of coal in the reducing atmosphere. Researchon the migration pathways of nitrogen in coal during the oxygen⁃rich combustion process under different atmos⁃pheres can provide support for suppressing the formation of NOx in coke and enhancing the combustion efficiencyof coal. The effects of excess oxygen coefficient and oxygen concentration on the release of fixed carbon, volatile mat⁃ter, C, H, O, N and S elements and the migration and transformation of nitrogen in coal during pulverizedcoal combustion were studied under two kinds of oxygen enriched staged combustion conditions ( O2 / N2 and O2 /CO2), using a high temperature dropper furnace experimental platform. The experimental results show that when theoxygen concentration of secondary air is 40%, the release rates of volatile matter, fixed carbon, N, H, O and Sin coal under O2 / N2 and O2 / CO2 atmospheres increase with the increase of excess oxygen coefficient of secondary air.The volatile matter and H element in coal are completely released in the early stage of pulverized coal combustion,and the release of N, O and S elements in coal has a strong positive correlation with the release of C element.During the combustion process, the nitrogen released from coal is mainly converted into N2, and a small amountis converted to NH3, HCN and NOx, and N2≫NH3≫HCN. The conversion rate of N2 increases first and then de⁃creases with the increase of excess oxygen coefficient of secondary air. The conversion rates of NH3 and HCN decreasewith the increase of excess oxygen coefficient of secondary air. When the excess oxygen coefficient of secondary air islow, no NOx emission is detected in flue gas. When the excess oxygen coefficient of secondary air is 1, the NO con⁃version rates of O2 / N2 and O2 / CO2 atmosphere are 29. 9% and 28. 1%, respectively. When the excess oxygen coeffi⁃cient of secondary air is 0. 5, the release rates of each component in coal in O2 / N2 and O2 / CO2 atmospheres increasewith the increase of oxygen concentration of secondary air. The nitrogen released from coal is mainly converted to N2.The conversion rate of N2 increases with the increase of oxygen concentration of secondary air, and the conversionrates of NH3 and HCN decrease with the increase of excess oxygen coefficient of secondary air. High concentration ofCO2 can promote coke gasification reaction, resulting in higher release rate of components in O2 / CO2 atmosphere,and relatively high N2 conversion rate.
oxygen enriched combustion; O2 / CO2; O2 / N2; nitrogen element; migration path; release rate; ex⁃cess oxygen coefficient; conversion rate
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会