Study on the influence of coal ammonia mixed combustion method and ammoniamixing ratio on fuel emission characteristics
GONG Yanyan
Beijing Tiandi Integration & Innovation TechnologyCorporation Ltd.
National Energy Technology & Equipment Laboratory of Coal Utilization and Emission Control
Reducing coal by co⁃combustion of coal and ammonia is a new way to achieve carbon reduction, but theemission characteristics after coal⁃ammonia co⁃combustion are still unclear, and further experimental research needsto be carried out for the influence of coal ammonia co⁃combustion method and ammonia mixing ratio on fuel emissioncharacteristics. Therefore, the coal ammonia co⁃combustion experiments were carried out based on the flat flameburner, the influence of combustion mode (premixed, non⁃premixed) and ammonia mixing ratio (0~100%) on theemission characteristics was explored, and the flue gas analyzer, thermocouple and thermogravimetric analyzer wereused to detect the temperature distribution in the flue gas along the height above the burner, and the gas emissioncharacteristics and fly ash characteristics were analyzed. The results show that: when we do premix combustion, thehigher the ammonia mixing ratio, the more obvious promotion effect of ammonia combustion, the higher the combus⁃tion temperature on the combustion of coal ammonia gas⁃solid fuel. When we do the non⁃premixed combustion, thehigher the ammonia mixing ratio, the more unfavorable the combustion, the lower the combustion temperature. Theconsumption of more O2 in the early stage of combustion is due to the faster ammonia combustion rate at this time,and there is a phenomenon of ammonia and coal competing for O2, which reflects the inhibitory effect of ammonia do⁃ping on the combustion reaction. Under the two combustion modes of premixed and non⁃premixed, NOx increaseswhen the ammonia mixing ratio increases significantly compared with pure coal combustion after ammonia mixing, butthe NOx concentration decreases during pure ammonia combustion. When the ammonia ratio increases, the CO2 con⁃centration decreases, CO2 concentration during non⁃premixed combustion was lower than that of premixed combustion.When the ammonia mixing ratio is ≥ 60%, in the intense reaction stage, according to the weight loss rate curve,the weight loss rate peak gradually changes from single peak to bimodal peak, ammonia addition can promote the for⁃ward shift of the weight loss rate peak, which means that the pore structure of coal powder changes after combustionwith ammonia. According to the residual carbon rate of fly ash, it is more suitable to choose premixed combustionwhen the ammonia mixing ratio is <40%, and non⁃premixed combustion when the ammonia mixing ratio is >40%. Ingeneral, considering the emission characteristics of coal ammonia gas⁃solid fuel, the best combustion condition ispremixed combustion and ammonia mixing ratio is 40%.
coal ammonia mixed combustion; emission characteristics; ammonia ratio; combustion method; gascomponents; weight loss rate; pore structure; carbon residue rate of fly ash
龚艳艳. 煤氨混燃方式与掺氨比对燃料排放特性的影响研究 [J]. 煤质技术, 2023, 38 (4): 46-52.
GONG Yanyan. Study on the influence of coal ammonia mixed combustion method and ammonia mixing ratio on fuelemission characteristics [J]. Coal Quality Technology, 2023, 38 (4): 46-52.