• 全部
  • Title

    Study on influencing factors of uncertainty of oxygen bomb thermalconduction in calorimeter

  • 作者


  • Author

    WEI Jian;HUANG Chao;ZOU Lechun;SHEN Jing;YANG Yong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Fenyi Power Plant, SPIC Jiangxi Electric Power Corporation Ltd.
    Hunan Sundy Science and Technology Corporation Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The stability of the heat capacity of the calorimeter is the basic premise to accurately obtain the relia⁃ble calorific value of coal, and the oxygen bomb is the core container for the combustion of samples in the calorime⁃ter, and its thermal conductivity has a great influence on the accuracy of measurement of the calorimeter, so thestudy of the thermal conduction uncertainty of the oxygen bomb in the calorimeter can provide a supporting basis forimproving the heat capacity stability and accuracy of measurement of the calorimeter. Regarding to the oxygen bombin the calorimeter, combined with the working principle of the calorimeter and the environmental requirements of thelaboratory, the influencing factors of the thermal conductivity of the oxygen bomb were analyzed from three perspec⁃tives: the material, wall thickness and volume of the oxygen bomb, the design of the internal components of oxygenbomb core, and cleanliness of oxygen bomb. The thermal conductivity of two different types of oxygen bombswere compared, in order to help improve the stability of the calorimeter test data. The combustion test found thatwhen the thermal conduction of the oxygen bomb has uncertainty, the heat capacity of the calorimeter will be unsta⁃ble. From the oxygen bomb surface cleanliness test, it is concluded that the oil film on the surface will cause alarge dispersion of the heat capacity test data. Therefore, the measures to reduce the uncertainty of the oxygenbomb thermal conduction are proposed, mainly including the selection of the appropriate material, wall thickness andvolume of the oxygen bomb. For example, nickel⁃chromium or nickel⁃chromium⁃molybdenum alloy steel is the prop⁃er material for oxygen bomb, the volume of the oxygen bomb is generally 250-350 mL, and the wall thickness of theoxygen bomb should be 5-6mm; the optimization of ceramic sleeve and insulation sleeve and other components withpoor thermal conductivity in the oxygen bomb is needed, as simple as possible oxygen bomb structure is needed, toolong thermal conduction paths is need to be avoided; and thoroughly clean of inner and outer surfaces of the oxygenbomb barrel is needed, as well as oxygen bomb cover and oxygen bomb core to avoid the interference from for⁃eign matter such as oil film on the experimental measurement results.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    calorimeter; oxygen bomb; thermal conduction; uncertainty; heat capacity; oxygen bomb thickness;oxygen bomb core internal components; cleanliness; temperature balance

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    卫健, 黄超, 邹 乐 春, 等. 量 热 仪 中 的 氧 弹 热 传 导 不 确 定 性 影 响 因 素 研 究 [ J]. 煤 质 技 术, 2023,38 (4): 91-97.
  • Citation
    WEI Jian, HUANG Chao, ZOU Lechun, et al. Study on influencing factors of uncertainty of oxygen bomb ther⁃mal conduction in calorimeter [J]. Coal Quality Technology, 2023, 38 (4): 91-97.

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