Evolution and characterization of uniaxial compression damage and destruction of coal measures rocks
XIANG Yanbin
瓦斯灾害监控与应急技术国家重点实验室,重庆 400037中煤科工集团重庆研究院有限公司,重庆 400037
State Key Laboratory of the Gas Disaster Detecting, Preventing and Emergency Controlling
China Coal Technology and Engineering Group Chongqing Research Institute
In order to study the damage evolution law of coal measures rocks under uniaxial compression and its characterization method, three kinds of rocks with different lithology conditions and commonly existing in coal measures rocks are taken as the research object, and different mineral compositions and different microstructures are emphatically discussed, based on the contribution of rock mechanical properties, the special characterization of multi-dimensional acoustic emission parameters is analyzed, and the relationship between damage scale and count and energy parameters is described, based on the theory analysis, the constitutive equation of the response is derived, and the damage evolution process of the bearing body can be further characterized by the combination of the two methods. The results show that the differences of rock micro-morphology and mineral composition of different lithological coal measures directly affect their physical and mechanical properties and damage characteristics under loading. The acoustic emission characteristic ringing counts and acoustic emission energy can effectively represent the damage evolution process during rock loading. The fractal dimension D of acoustic emission space locating point can reflect the damage and destruction process of rock to a certain extent, but it is greatly influenced by the porosity and density of rock. Based on rock porosity characteristics and acoustic emission cumulative ringing counts during loading, a constitutive model considering initial damage and cumulative damage is established and the influence rule of porosity on damage tensor Dn is analyzed.
coal measures rocks;damage failure;acoustic emission;fractal dimension;constitutive model
向衍斌. 煤系岩石单轴压缩损伤破坏演化规律与表征[J]. 煤矿安全,2023,54(9):88−95
XIANG Yanbin. Evolution and characterization of uniaxial compression damage and destruction of coal measures rocks[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2023, 54(9): 88−95