• 全部
  • Title

    Study on strata behavior and overburden activity law of 10 million ton super long working face in medium thick coal seam

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Qianjin;LI Anning;XUE Chenxiao;ZHANG Zhen

  • 单位

    中煤科工开采研究院有限公司,北京 100013天地科技股份有限公司 开采设计事业部,北京 100013陕西小保当矿业有限公司,陕西 榆林 719000

  • Organization
    China Coal Technology and Engineering Group Coal Mining Research Institute
    Coal Mining & Designing Department, Tiandi Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
    Shanxi Coal Group Xiaobaodang Coal Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    为探究综采工作面长度显著加长后工作面矿压显现和顶板活动的新特点,以国内首个中厚煤层千万吨级450 m超长工作面为工程背景,基于支架压力和微震实时监测手段,全面分析了超长工作面支架阻力分布、增阻特性和覆岩破断微震能量分布特征。研究结果表明:综采工作面长度由300 m加长为450 m后,支架阻力沿倾向分布特征由单峰状转变为双峰状,工作面支架支护强度平均增大约7%,工作面加长后,工作面矿压显现强度整体增强;超长工作面来压期间支架增阻形式主要为“对数−指数”复合函数型增阻,呈现先快、中缓、最后短时急速增阻的特点,超长工作面大截深开采是造成采煤循环末期支架快速增阻的主要诱因,在顶板状态不稳的情况下,应适当减小采煤机截深并提高支护质量;工作面覆岩破断微震事件的发生能量小、频次低,主要活跃在工作面后方40 m至前方80 m范围,微震事件分布特征表明超长工作面顶板垮落及时,无长距离悬顶现象,不易造成强动载事件,在垂直方向微震事件主要分布在垂高25 m以下顶板,厚度17.82 m的细粒砂岩基本顶是造成工作面矿压显现的主导岩层,高位岩层破断对工作面矿压显现影响较小。
  • Abstract
    In order to explore the new characteristics of the mine pressure behavior and roof activity of the working face after the length of the fully mechanized coal mining face has been significantly extended, taking the first 450 m super long working face in the medium thick coal seam in China as the engineering background, based on the support pressure and micro-seismic real-time monitoring means, the support resistance distribution, resistance increase characteristics and micro-seismic energy distribution characteristics of super long working face are comprehensively analyzed. The research results show that after the length of the fully mechanized mining face is lengthened from 300 m to 450 m, the distribution characteristics of the support resistance along the dip change from single peak to double peak, the support strength of the working face increases by an average of about 7%, and after the working face is lengthened, the ground pressure intensities of the working face is enhanced as a whole. The resistance increase of the support during the weighting period of the super long working face is mainly in the form of “logarithmic−exponential” composite function, which is characterized by rapid resistance increase at the beginning, slow resistance increase in the middle, and rapid resistance increase in the last short time. The large cutting depth mining of super long working face is the main inducement for the rapid increase of support resistance at the end of coal mining cycle. The cutting depth of the shearer should be appropriately reduced and the support quality should be improved when the roof state is unstable. The energy and frequency of micro-seismic events of overburden breaking in the working face are small and low, and they are mainly active in the range of 40 m behind the working face to 80 m in front of it. The distribution characteristics of micro-seismic events show that the roof of the super long working face can collapse in time, and there is no long-distance hanging phenomenon, which is not easy to cause strong dynamic load events. In the vertical direction, the micro-seismic events are mainly distributed in the roof below 25 m in vertical height. The basic roof of fine sandstone with a thickness of 17.82 m is the leading rock stratum that causes the mine pressure behavior of the working face. The breakage of the high level rock stratum has little impact on the mine pressure behavior of the working face.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    medium thick coal seam;10 million tons;super-long working face;mine pressure behavior;resistance increasing characteristic of support;overburden activity

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    刘前进,李安宁,薛晨晓,等. 中厚煤层千万吨级超长工作面矿压显现与覆岩活动规律研究[J]. 煤矿安全,2023,54(9):147−155
  • Citation
    LIU Qianjin, LI Anning, XUE Chenxiao, et al. Study on strata behavior and overburden activity law of 10 million ton super long working face in medium thick coal seam[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2023, 54(9): 147−155
  • 图表
    • 132202工作面平面布置图

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