Study on advance detection of geological anomaly in development roadway based on Rayleigh wave technology
LUO Mingkun;JIA Ce;LI Sheng;SUN Hao;XU Lingjin;HE Liang;WANG Kun
山西潞安化工集团有限公司 漳村煤矿,山西 长治 046000辽宁工程技术大学 矿业学院,辽宁 阜新 123000
Zhangcun Coal Mine, Shanxi Lu’an Chemical Group Co., Ltd.
College of Mining, Liaoning Technical University
巷道掘进穿过陷落柱等构造区时,极易发生煤矿安全事故。采用瑞利波技术,对漳村煤矿480采区开拓大巷8#联巷掘进迎头进行超前探测。首先,基于简谐波波动位移方程、频谱分析技术计算出波的相速度,以相速度为横坐标,相速度对应波的半波长为纵坐标,理论计算得到了频散曲线;基于有限差分(FDM)方法得到了瑞利波在陷落柱与围岩交界处会发生能量聚集,并验证了瑞利波能量衰减较慢,传播速度慢。其次,根据矿井地质资料、巷道掘进的实际生产情况,确定采用整体观察距离为3.5 m的布置方式开展瑞利波地质构造探测。最终,采用频散曲线与煤层深度剖面综合分析方法,得出漳村煤矿开拓大巷8#联巷地质构造有3处异常,分别位于探测点前方20~30 m、35~45 m、55~65 m。研究结果有效指导了开拓大巷8#联巷的安全掘进。
Coal mine safety accidents are very likely to occur when the roadway is excavated through tectonic areas such as collapsed pillars. In this paper, Rayleigh wave technology is used to carry out advance detection in heading face of No.8 joint roadway in Zhangcun Coal Mine 480# mining area. Firstly, the phase velocity of the wave is calculated based on the simple harmonic fluctuation displacement equation and spectral analysis technique, and the dispersion curve is obtained by theoretical calculation with the phase velocity as the horizontal coordinate and the half-wavelength of the wave corresponding to the phase velocity as the vertical coordinate. Based on the finite-difference (FDM) method, we obtained that Rayleigh waves would gather energy at the junction of the collapse column and the surrounding rock, and verified that the Rayleigh wave energy decays slowly and propagates slowly. Secondly, according to the mine geological data and the actual production situation of roadway excavation, it is determined that the overall observation distance is 3.5 m to carry out the Rayleigh wave geological structure detection. Finally, using the comprehensive analysis method of the dispersion curve and the coal seam depth profile, it is concluded that there are 3 anomalies in the geological structure of the 8# connecting roadway in Zhangcun Coal Mine, which are located at 20-30 m, 35-45 m, and 55-65 m respectively. The results of this study effectively guide the safe driving of No.8 combined roadway.
collapsing column;Rayleigh wave;advanced detection;wave displacement equation;safe excavation
罗明坤,贾策,李胜,等. 基于瑞利波技术的开拓大巷地质异常超前探测研究[J]. 煤矿安全,2023,54(9):240−247
LUO Mingkun, JIA Ce, LI Sheng, et al. Study on advance detection of geological anomaly in development roadway based on Rayleigh wave technology[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2023, 54(9): 240−247