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  • Title

    Intelligent lithology prediction method based on vibration signal while drilling and deep learning

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Sheng;LAI Kun;ZHANG Zheng;BAI Jun;LUO Zhongbin;LI Bingle;ZHANG Jie

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Laboralory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection, Chengdu University of Technology
  • 摘要
    岩性智能预测在地质钻探中具有重要意义,可以提高勘探、开采效率和成果质量。基于钻进过程中钻头破碎岩石产生的振动信号,提出一种岩性随钻智能预测方法。选取7类尺寸相同的不同岩性的岩石,并设计微钻实验方案,对岩石施加不同钻速、转速以采集多钻进条件下的随钻三轴振动信号,对信号进行预处理滤除干扰信息,通过短时傅里叶变换生成表征信号时频域特征的时频图像,再利用多种数据增强方法增加图像数量并建立为数据库,以增强模型鲁棒性和泛化能力。改进深度学习中VGG11(Visual Geometry Group)卷积神经网络算法,将数据库划分为训练集∶测试集=8∶2,对训练集图像的有效信息进行特征提取、学习、迭代训练以获得岩性智能预测模型,并不断调整模型的3个超参数(学习率、批处理大小、迭代次数),拟合测试集和训练集损失函数曲线以提高模型预测精度。最后用测试集对模型进行多指标评估。结果表明:基于随钻振动数据训练得到的岩性智能预测模型泛化能力强,具有高预测精度,岩性整体预测准确率达到96.85%。重点讨论了数据集数量对岩性预测准确率的影响;不同的钻进条件会引起随钻振动信号产生一定规律性的变化,岩石性质会使得振动信号在三轴方向上有所变化;X、Y、Z轴信号表征着钻进过程中钻头破碎岩石的不同过程。提出的岩性实时智能预测方法为钻探工程现场中岩性预测提供了一定的依据和借鉴。
  • Abstract
    Intelligent lithology prediction is of great importance in geological drilling, capable of improving exploration and mining efficiency, as well as the quality of results. In this study, a method of intelligent lithology prediction while drilling was proposed based on the vibration signals produced by the drill bit breaking rocks during drilling. Specifically, seven types of rocks with the same size and different lithologies were selected, and a micro-drilling experiment was designed to apply different drilling rates and rotary speeds to the rocks, in order to collect the triaxial vibration signals while drilling under multiple drilling conditions. The signals were preprocessed to filter out the interference information and generate the time-frequency images that characterize the signal’s time-frequency domain features through short-time Fourier transform. Then, multiple data augmentation techniques were used to increase the number of images and establish a database to enhance the robustness and generalization ability of the model. The VGG11 (Visual Geometry Group) convolutional neural network algorithm in deep learning was modified, and the database was divided into the training set and test set at a proportion of 8∶2. The effective image information of the training set was extracted, learned and iteratively trained, to obtain an intelligent lithology prediction model. Meanwhile, the three hyperparameters of the model (learning rate, batch size, and iteration times) were continuously adjusted to fit the loss function curve of the training set and the test set and thereby improve the model's prediction accuracy. Finally, the model was evaluated with multiple indicators on the test set. The experimental results showed that: the intelligent lithology prediction model trained based on the vibration data while drilling has strong generalization ability and high prediction accuracy, with an ultimate overall lithology prediction accuracy of 96.85%. Besides, the impact of the dataset size on lithology prediction accuracy was also discussed herein. Moreover, different drilling conditions could cause certain regular changes in the vibration signals while drilling, the rock properties could also cause changes in the vibration signals in the tri-axis direction, and the X, Y and Z axis signals could characterize different processes of the drill bit breaking rocks during drilling. Generally, the intelligent real-time lithology prediction method proposed in this study provides a basis and reference for lithology prediction in practical drilling engineering.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    intelligent lithology prediction;triaxial vibration signals while drilling;short-time Fourier transform;data augmentation;deep learning;improved VGG11 algorithm

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    王胜,赖昆,张拯,等. 基于随钻振动信号与深度学习的岩性智能预测方法[J]. 煤田地质与勘探,2023,51(9):51−63.
  • Citation
    WANG Sheng,LAI Kun,ZHANG Zheng,et al. Intelligent lithology prediction method based on vibration signal while drilling and deep learning[J]. Coal Geology & Exploration,2023,51(9):51−63.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 基于随钻振动信号的岩性预测总体方案

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