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  • Title

    Hydrogeochemical characteristics of Ordovician karst water in North China coalfield and its indicative significance for geothermal energy

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Jie;CHEN Luwang;HOU Xiaowei;ZHANG Miao;HU Yongsheng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hefei University of Technology
  • 摘要
    华北型煤田奥陶系岩溶水是集水、热于一体的绿色能源,明确受煤层开采影响其补给来源、热储赋存环境、径流与循环等形成演化特征对于地热资源的勘探与开发具有重要意义。在充分了解典型华北型煤田−淮北煤田地质、水文地质及地热地质条件的基础上,采集区内岩溶地热水样品进行水化学及同位素测试并收集相关成果进行数据补充,揭示了岩溶地热水水化学成分特征及水−岩作用类型,明确了地热水补给来源,评估了岩溶热储温度及地热水循环深度,提出了研究区地热水形成演化模式。结果表明:淮北煤田岩溶地热水主要来源于大气降水补给,北部闸河矿区以直接入渗补给为主,水化学表现为HCO3−Ca型,水−岩作用以溶滤溶解为主,指示该区地热水更新速率较快、循环路径短;南部宿县和临涣矿区仅在部分区域接受大气降水蒸发入渗补给并与古地下水混合明显,水化学类型多样,包括SO4−Ca、SO4−Ca·Mg、HCO3·SO4−Ca·Mg、SO4−Ca·Na、Cl·SO4−Na、Cl−Na等,水−岩作用类型以溶滤溶解及阳离子交替吸附(正反向)为主并伴有脱白云石化作用,指示该区地热水滞留时间久、循环路径长,热储环境更为封闭。选用石英温标及改进的SiO2温标估算该区热储温度范围34.8~69.1 ℃,地热水循环深度881~2 281 m。淮北煤田岩溶地热水形成演化受构造控制明显,地热水循环更新能力、热储温度、循环深度以及水化学环境均存在显著空间差异,岩溶地热资源的开发和利用应综合考虑区域特点。
  • Abstract
    Ordovician karst water in the North China coalfield is a green energy source that integrates water and heat. Therefore, it is of great significance for the exploration and development of geothermal resources to clarify the formation and evolution characteristics of the recharge source, geothermal reservoir environment, flow and circulation affected by coal mining. The Huaibei coalfield, one of the typical North China type coalfield, was selected as the study area on the basis of full understanding of its geological, hydrogeological and geothermal geological conditions. The hydrochemistry and isotope data and the previous study results were jointly employed to reveal the hydrochemical characteristics of geothermal water and the mechanism of water-rock interactions. Also, they were used to identify the recharge source of geothermal water, evaluate the temperature of geothermal reservoir and the depth of geothermal water circulation, and propose the formation and evolution model of geothermal water in the study area. The results show that the geothermal water of the Zhahe mining district is mainly recharged by precipitation infiltration, and the hydrochemical type and water-rock interaction are dominated by HCO3−Ca and leaching dissolution respectively, indicating that the geothermal water in this area has a rapid renewal rate and a short circulation path. In the Suxian and Linhuan mining districts, the geothermal water is only recharged by precipitation with evaporation infiltration in some areas and is obviously mixed with ancient groundwater. There are various hydrochemical types including SO4−Ca, SO4−Ca·Mg, HCO3·SO4−Ca·Mg, SO4−Ca·Na, Cl·SO4−Na, Cl−Na, etc. Meanwhile, the water-rock interactions are dominated by leaching and dissolution and cation alternating adsorption (positive and negative), accompanied by dedolomitization, indicating that the geothermal water in this area has a long residence time, a long circulation path, and a more closed reservoir environment. The thermal reservoir temperature range from 34.8 to 69.1℃ according to the calculation of quartz and improved SiO2 geothermometer, and the circulation depth range from 881 to 2281 m. The formation and evolution of karst geothermal water in the Huaibei coalfield is obviously controlled by structure, and there are significant spatial differences in geothermal water circulation and renewal capacity, reservoir temperature, circulation depth and hydrochemical environment. Therefore, the development and utilization of karst geothermal resources should comprehensively consider the regional characteristics.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    karst geothermal water;hydrogeochemistry;stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes;thermal reservoir environment;North China coalfield

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    张杰,陈陆望,侯晓伟,等. 华北型煤田奥陶系岩溶水水文地球化学特征及其对地热的指示意义[J]. 煤炭学报,2023,48(10):3831−3844.
  • Citation
    ZHANG Jie,CHEN Luwang,HOU Xiaowei,et al. Hydrogeochemical characteristics of ordovician karst water in north china coalfield and its indicative significance for geothermal energy[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(10):3831−3844.
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 淮北煤田地质构造、矿区与水样分布(据文献[]修改)

    图(10) / 表(0)


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