• 全部
  • Title

    Study on floor failure law of large buried depth gently inclined thick coal seam based on microseismic monitoring

  • 作者


  • Author

    Li Xinwang;;;Hao Yunde;Cheng Lichao;;;Lu Bing

  • 单位

    河北工程大学 矿业与测绘工程学院河北工程大学 河北省高校煤炭资源开发与建设应用技术研发中心河北工程大学 邯郸市煤基固废规模化利用技术创新中心

  • Organization
    School of Mining Geomatics Engineering, Hebei University of Engineering
    Coal Resources Development and Construcyion Application Technology Research Center of Universities in Hebei Province, Hebei University of Engineering
    Handan Coal-based Solid Waste Scale Utilization Technology Innovation Center, Hebei University of Engineering
  • 摘要
    以九龙矿为背景,利用微震监测技术对该矿15249S工作面进行长期动态实时监测,针对底板微震事件频次、累积能量与推进距离、破坏深度进行相关度分析,揭示了底板破坏带的空间分布特征,确定了底板破坏深度及破坏范围。结果表明,微震事件以近煤层弱事件为主,底板事件个数大于顶板事件,上顺槽底板事件个数大于下顺槽底板事件;受开采扰动影响,15249S工作面底板破坏程度逐渐加深,最终形成2个破坏带,在走向上呈“倒双峰”式分布;底板破坏深度总体上与微震事件频次及微震事件累计能量成正相关,底板最大破坏深度为25 m,无突水危险。研究结果为九龙矿现场安全生产提供支撑,并对类似大埋深缓倾斜煤层开采提供参考。
  • Abstract
    Based on the background of Jiulong Mine, the long-term dynamic real-time monitoring of the No.15249S Face of the mine was carried out by using the microseismic monitoring technology. The correlation analysis of floor microseismic events frequency, cumulative energy, advancing distance and failure depth was carried out. The spatial distribution characteristics of the floor failure zone were revealed, and the failure depth and failure range of the floor were determined. The results showed that the microseismic events were mainly weak and near coal seam, the number of floor events was greater than that of roof events, and the number of floor events of upper roadway was greater than that of lower roadway. Affected by mining disturbance, the damage degree of the floor of No.15249S Face gradually deepened, and finally two failure zones were formed, which were distributed in the influence of ' inverted double peak ' along the strike. The failure depth of floor was generally positively correlated with frequency and cumulative energy of microseismic events. The maximum failure depth of the floor was 25 m, and there was no risk of water outburst. The research results provided support for the on-site safety production of Jiulong Mine and provided reference for the mining of similar large buried depth and gently inclined coal seams.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    microseismic monitoring;floor damage;large buried depth;gently inclined thick coal seam;coal seam merger

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    李新旺1,2,3,郝云德1,程立朝1,2,3,路 滨1. 基于微震监测的大埋深缓倾斜厚煤层底板破坏规律研究[J]. 煤炭与化工, 2023, 46(8): 38-43.
  • Citation
    Li Xinwang1,2,3, Hao Yunde1, Cheng Lichao1,2,3, Lu Bing1. Study on floor failure law of large buried depth gently inclined thick coal seam based on microseismic monitoring. CCI, 2023, 46(8): 38-43.
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