• 全部
  • Title

    Analysis of gas geological characteristics of Dingxin Coal Mine in Tongchuan Mining Area

  • 作者


  • Author

    Chen Lin

  • 单位


  • Organization
    325 Geological Team of Anhui Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Exploration
  • 摘要
    瓦斯地质条件的持续性评价是矿井地质工作中的重要任务之一。本文以地质勘探和井下监测的瓦斯及相关数据为基础,全面分析了鼎鑫煤矿瓦斯赋存特征、井下瓦斯涌出特征,探讨了影响瓦斯含量和涌出量的相关地质因素。研究结果表明,主采煤层的瓦斯含量较低,5号和10号煤层平均瓦斯含量分别为0.28 m3/t和0.5 m3/t,瓦斯成分以N2为主,煤系位于瓦斯风化带以内,影响瓦斯赋存的主要因素包括煤层顶、底板岩性、地质构造和煤层埋藏深度;瓦斯涌出主要来源于采煤工作面,其次为掘进工作面和采空区,铜川矿区鼎鑫煤矿属于低瓦斯矿井,影响矿井瓦斯涌出量的地质因素主要包括瓦斯含量、地质构造、地下水、采煤工艺和开采强度等。
  • Abstract
    The continuous evaluation of gas geological conditions is one of the important tasks in mine geological work. Based on the gas and related data of geological exploration and underground monitoring, this paper comprehensively analyzes the characteristics of gas occurrence and underground gas emission in Dingxin Coal Mine, and discusses the related geological factors affecting gas content and emission. The results show that the gas content of the main coal seam is low. The average gas content of No.5 and No.10 coal seams is 0.28 m3/t and 0.5 m3/t, respectively. The gas composition is mainly N2, and the coal measures are located within the gas weathering zone. The main factors affecting gas occurrence include the lithology of coal seam roof and floor, geological structure and coal seam burial depth. The gas emission mainly comes from the coal mining face, followed by the tunneling face and the goaf. Dingxin Coal Mine in Tongchuan Mining Area belongs to the low gas mine. The geological factors affecting mine gas emission mainly include gas content, geological structure, groundwater, coal mining technology and mining intensity.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    gas content;gas occurrence characteristics;gas emission quantity;influencing factors

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    陈 琳. 铜川矿区鼎鑫煤矿瓦斯地质特征分析[J]. 煤炭与化工, 2023, 46(8): 117-120.
  • Citation
    Chen Lin. Analysis of gas geological characteristics of Dingxin
    Coal Mine in Tongchuan Mining Area. CCI, 2023, 46(8): 117-120.

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