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  • Title

    Research on video AI recognition technology for abnormal state of coal mine belt conveyors

  • 作者


  • Author

    MAO Qinghua;GUO Wenjin;ZHAI Jiao;WANG Rongquan;SHANG Xinmang;LI Shikun;XUE Xusheng

  • 单位

    西安科技大学 机械工程学院陕西省矿山机电装备智能检测与控制重点实验室西安重装韩城煤矿机械有限公司

  • Organization
    College of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an University of Science and Technology
    Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Mine Electromechanical Equipment Intelligent Detection and Control
    Xi'an Heavy Industry Hancheng Coal Mining Machinery Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Traditional belt conveyor abnormal state recognition uses manual inspection or mechanical comprehensive protection system for detection. The manual inspection is labor-intensive, inefficient, and difficult to accurately detect faults. Mechanical comprehensive protection system is prone to misjudgment and poor recognition effect. The above methods can no longer meet the needs of coal industry intelligence. With the development of machine vision, deep learning, and industrial Ethernet technology, video AI technology has become a research hotspot for intelligent recognition of abnormal states of coal mine belt conveyors. This paper analyzes the current research status of using video AI technology to identify abnormal states of coal mine belt conveyors, such as belt deviation, idler failure, personnel invasion, unsafe behavior of personnel, coal stacking, and foreign objects. It is pointed out that there are three main problems in the current video AI recognition technology for abnormal states of coal mine belt conveyors: long construction time-consumption of video image datasets, low precision of abnormal state recognition, and large time delay in video information transmission. To address the issue of long construction time-consumption of video image datasets, a solution is proposed to strengthen the research on video AI recognition algorithms based on semi supervised, unsupervised, and small sample learning, and to expand the dataset based on generative models. To address the issue of low precision of abnormal state recognition, a solution is proposed to strengthen research on data deblurring methods, and to utilize algorithms such as generative adversarial networks to balance positive and negative samples, and improve AI recognition algorithms. To address the issue of large time delay in video information transmission, a solution is proposed to build a "cloud-edge-end" collaborative video AI recognition system architecture for abnormal states of belt conveyors, and to deploy a high bandwidth and low time delay network communication system. This article looks forward to the development trend of video AI recognition technology for abnormal states of belt conveyors from four aspects: high-performance video AI recognition algorithms, high bandwidth and low time delay video communication technology, "cloud-edge-end" efficient collaborative video AI recognition system, and sound video AI recognition technology standards.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal mine belt conveyor;abnormal state recognition;video AI recognition;belt deviation detection;idler failure detection;abnormal state detection of personnel;coal stacking detection;foreign object detection

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    毛清华,郭文瑾,翟姣,等. 煤矿带式输送机异常状态视频AI识别技术研究[J]. 工矿自动化,2023,49(9):36-46.
  • Citation
    MAO Qinghua, GUO Wenjin, ZHAI Jiao, et al. Research on video AI recognition technology for abnormal state of coal mine belt conveyors[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2023,49(9):36-46.
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  • 图表
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