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  • Title

    Experimental study on ultra⁃low temperature catalytic denitrification and in⁃situthermal regeneration of activated coke under different atmospheres

  • 作者


  • Author

    YANGShi;WANG Naiji;WANG Shipu;LI Ting;WANG Zhiqiang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Beijing Tiandi Integration & Innovation TechnologyCorporation Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Ultra low temperature catalytic denitrification is a new type of denitrification process with the advantages ofsimple flue gas composition, low energy consumption and low resistance. Activated coke plays an important role inultra⁃low temperature catalytic denitrification. Therefore, experimental research on ultra⁃low temperature catalyticdenitrification and in⁃situ thermal regeneration of activated coke under different atmospheres can provide technicalsupport for improving the performance of ultra⁃low temperature catalytic denitrification. Using a micro fixed bed exper⁃imental device, the influence of different atmospheres ( oxidation and reduction )at ultra⁃low temperature(≤130 ℃) on the NO removal performance of activated coke and the NOx gas in thermal regeneration, as well as thein⁃situ thermal regeneration mechanism, were studied. The results show that during the NO removal process of activa⁃ted coke under experimental conditions, the outlet NO concentration curve shows a gradual upward trend with time,indicating that the active sites in the activated coke sample are continuously occupied. Other conditions remain un⁃changed, and the absorption of NO in a reducing atmosphere is several times that of an oxidizing atmosphere, indica⁃ting that the reducing atmosphere is more conducive to the removal of NO by activated coke; the lower the tempera⁃ture, the greater the difference in NO removal between the reducing atmosphere and the oxidizing atmosphere, andthe stronger the NO removal performance of activated coke. Under ultra⁃low temperature oxidation atmosphere, theremoval process of NO by activated coke not only involves adsorption, but also catalytic oxidation, which can oxidizeNO to NO2 and adsorb NO2 on the pore surface of the activated coke. The adsorbed NO2 undergoes a disproportion⁃ation reaction, generating NO3. During the in⁃situ thermal regeneration process of the activated coke after catalyticoxidation and denitrification, the high⁃order NOx generated by oxidation is heated and decomposed into NO. Underthe ultra⁃low temperature ammonia reduction atmosphere, in addition to NO catalytic oxidation reaction, under theaction of reducing agent NH3, NO catalytic reduction reaction also occurs on the surface of the activated coke. It isspeculated that some NO oxidation products further react with NH3 to generate ammonium nitrate, and these three re⁃actions are mutually influencing and promoting. After catalytic reduction and denitrification, the activated coke un⁃dergoes in⁃situ thermal regeneration, and the catalytic oxidation product is released in the form of NO, while the am⁃monium nitrate product is partially decomposed into N2 and H2O. Therefore, the ratio of NO release to absorption inthe hot regeneration gas after denitrification in a reducing atmosphere is smaller than that after denitrification in an oxi⁃dizing atmosphere. As the denitrification temperature increases, the numerical value increases, indicating that underexperimental conditions, the higher the temperature, the greater the proportion of catalytic reduction.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    ultra⁃low temperature catalytic denitrification; activated coke; in situ thermal regeneration; reaction at⁃mosphere; disproportionation reaction; removal performance; release amount

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    杨石, 王乃继, 王实朴, 等. 活性焦超低温催化脱硝及原位热再生实验研究 [J]. 煤质技术, 2023, 38(5): 16-21.
  • Citation
    YANGShi, WANG Naiji, WANG Shipu, et al. Experimental study on ultra⁃low temperature catalytic denitrifica⁃tion and in⁃situ thermal regeneration of activated coke under different atmospheres [J]. Coal Quality Technology,2023, 38 (5): 16-21.
  • 相关专题

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