• 全部
  • Title

    Research progress in wastewater treatment containing nitro⁃benzenecontainment

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Xiaoran

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China Coal Research Institute Corporation Ltd.
    National Energy Technology & Equipment Laboratory of Coal Utilization and Emission Control
    Beijing Key Laboratory of Coal Based Carbon Materials
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    2, 6⁃naphthalene dicharboxylic acid is an important monomer for the synthesis of polyethylene glycolnaphthalate (PEN), which can be synthesized from 2⁃methylnaphthalene in coal tar by acylation and oxidation reac⁃tion. However, in the quenching stage of this reaction, a large amount of acidic nitrobenzene-containing acylationwastewater is easily produced, and the wastewater is characterized by strong acidity, high toxicity and high salinity,which is easily causing microorganisms inactivation. Therefore, it is necessary to carry on the corresponding technicaltreatment of nitrobenzene⁃containing wastewater. This paper elaborates the different treatment technologies of nitroben⁃zene⁃contaning wastewater at home and abroad, compares the removing effects conditions and treatment effects of dif⁃ferent processes, and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each process, in order to constructing a more e⁃conomical and efficient nitrobenzen⁃containing wastewater treatment process. Physical method can realize rapid sepa⁃ration and large treatment capacity, however, nitrobenzene organics cannot be completely degraded. It is suitable asa pretreatment technology to improve the biodegradability of wastewater. Chemical method has the advantages of fasttreatment efficiency and obvious effect, but it also has disadvantage of expensive material cost and secondary pollutionproblem. Biological treatment is the most ideal treatment method with low cost and no secondary pollution to the envi⁃ronment, but high concentration of nitrobenzene will inactivate microorganisms. The traditional treatment methods ofnitrobenzene wastewater include stripping, extraction physical, adsorption, chemical oxidation, etc., but it is diffi⁃cult to completely degrade the high concentration of nitrobenzene by a single method. It can be used to pretreat the a⁃cidic wastewater by stripping process or other methods, which can effectively reduce organic pollutants and contributeto recover aluminum resources in wastewater. On this basis, the multi⁃method coupling is still the key direction of ni⁃trobenzene research in the future. It is proposed that physical method and chemical method can be used as pretreat⁃ment to greatly improve the biodegradability of wastewater, coupled with biological method to further degrade nitro⁃benzene wastewater, efficient integration of different treatment methods with economic and environmental advantages.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    nitro⁃benzene containing waste water; physical treatment method; chemical treatment method; biologi⁃cal treatment method; pre⁃treatment technologies; combined methods; biodegradability treatment technology

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    张笑然. 硝基苯废水处理技术研究进展 [J]. 煤质技术, 2023, 38 (5): 36-42.
  • Citation
    ZHANG Xiaoran. Research progress in wastewater treatment containing nitro⁃benzenecontainment [J]. Coal QualityTechnology, 2023, 38 (5): 36-42.

主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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