• 全部
  • Title

    Study on the characteristics of gasified coal water slurry preparation bycondensing coal slurry

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Lei;WANG Chongfeng;WANG Dongming;YAN Jiandang;WANG Pengfei;WANG Jing

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China Coal Technology & Engineering Clean Energy Corporation Ltd.
    Shaanxi Shenwei Coal Pipeline Transportation Corporation Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    It is necessary to investigate the influence of different raw material ratios, additive ratios and otherprocess conditions on the preparation of high concentration gasified coal water slurry, as it is necessary toensure the gasification efficiency and economy of coal water slurry through thickening during pipeline transportation.In this paper, using centrifugal coal and filter coal dehydrated from the Shenwei pipeline coal slurry as rawmaterials, the additive ratio and maximum slurry concentration for preparing filter coal slurry in the pipeline coal slur⁃ry thickening process, as well as the optimal ratio and additive dosage for preparing gasification coal slurry, werestudied. Through experiments on the slurryability of individual filter coal, the mixing ratio of fine slurry and ultra⁃fineslurry, and the optimal ratio of centrifugal coal, filter coal, fine slurry and ultra⁃fine slurry, the design of the exper⁃iment was carried out, the preparation process conditions for fine coal slurry and gasification coal slurry were exploredusing rotary viscometers, flowability testers, standard sieves, etc. The results show that when preparing pressure fil⁃tration fine coal slurry, the additive ratio should not be less than 0. 2%,and the optimal addition ratio is 0. 5%,resul⁃ting in a pressure filtration fine coal slurry concentration of 55. 21%; when preparing gasification coal water slurry,theoptimal ratio of centrifugal coarse coal,pressure filtration fine coal slurry,fine slurry,and ultrafine slurry is 70 ∶ 20 ∶5 ∶ 5,and the total amount of dry based additives is 0. 4%.When preparing pressure filtration fine coal slurry and gasi⁃fication coal slurry,the ratio is 3 ∶ 5 and added twice. The material balance calculation shows that by dehydratingall the coal slurry with a concentration of less than 53% and then preparing it into gasification coal water slurry accord⁃ing to a reasonable grade,it can achieve the goal of preparing all the surplus coal slurry into high value gasifica⁃tion coal water slurry while also consuming and utilizing all the fine coal slurry under pressure filtration.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    gasification coal water slurry ; pipe conveying coal slurry ; process conditions; optimal ratio ; additiveratio ; pulping performance; pressure filtration of fine coal slime

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    李磊, 王崇峰, 王东明, 等. 管输煤浆提浓制备气化水煤浆的工艺条件研究 [ J]. 煤质技术, 2023,38 (5): 22-27.
  • Citation
    LI Lei, WANG Chongfeng, WANG Dongming, et al. Study on the characteristics of gasified coal water slurrypreparation by condensing coal slurry [J]. Coal Quality Technology, 2023, 38 (5): 22-27.
  • 相关文章

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