• 全部
  • Title

    A review of the research progress of ammonia combustion enhancement technology

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Yu;ZHAO Yijun;;ZENG Guang;ZHANG Wenda;ZHANG Linyao;SUN Shaozeng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology
    CPI Northeast Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    在双碳战略下,氨作为新型零碳燃料逐渐受到关注。 针对氨燃烧存在着火困难、火焰速度低、可燃性范围较窄的问题,本文从氨的基础特性出发,总结了改善燃料活性(掺混燃烧、富氧燃烧)、热质传递强化和辅助燃烧等强化燃烧技术对火焰传播速度的影响,探究了强化燃烧过程的影响因素及其作用机理。 掺混燃烧可以显著提高氨燃烧速度,其中氢气是最有效的强化燃烧剂,随着掺氢比的增加,氨/ 空气层流火焰速度呈指数型增加;随着碳基燃料掺混比提高,氨/ 空气层流火焰速度多呈线型增加。 富氧燃烧可以显著提升氨燃烧速度,且不会产生碳排放。 随着氧化剂氧含量的增加,层流火焰速度呈线性增加。 调控燃烧参数的强化燃烧能力有限,而采用辅助燃烧技术则可以针对氨燃烧的不同工况和结构进行灵活调整并实现燃烧的精准强化。 在未来氨燃料强化燃烧技术发展中,针对改善燃料活性,可以调整燃料掺混、喷射策略;针对强化热质传递过程,可以优化设计燃烧器结构、燃烧组织方式和调控燃烧参数。 此外,可以结合新兴的辅助燃烧技术共同强化氨燃烧并拓宽稳燃边界,在强化燃烧的同时结合 NOx排放控制技术,这是实现氨清洁高效燃烧的重要途径。
  • Abstract
    Under the guidance of the " double carbon strategy" , as a new type of zero-carbon fuel,ammonia has gradually attracted attention. To solve the issues of ignition, low flame speed, and narrowflammable range of ammonia combustion, from the basic combustion characteristics, we summarize theeffects of enhanced combustion technologies such as improving fuel activity (blending with other fuelsand oxygen-enriched combustion), heat-mass transfer enhancement, and auxiliary combustion tech⁃nologies on flame propagation, and explore the mechanism of the enhanced combustion process. Cocombustion with other fuels can significantly increase the ammonia flame speed, and hydrogen has thestrongest abilitytoenhancecombustion.Thelaminarflamespeedofammonia / airincreasesexponentially with the hydrogen blending ratio. With the increase of the carbon-based fuel blending ra⁃tio, the ammonia / air flame speed increases linearly. Oxygen-enriched combustion can significantly in⁃crease the ammonia flame speed without carbon emission, and laminar flame speed increases linearlywith oxygen content. The ability to regulate parameters to enhance combustion is limited, while the aux⁃iliary technologies can be flexibly applied for different combustion conditions to enhance ammonia com⁃bustion. In the development of ammonia enhanced combustion technology, the regulation of fuel combi⁃nation and injection strategy can be applied to improve fuel activity, designing the burner structure /combustion organization, and optimizing the combustion parameters can be applied to enhance heatmass transfer. In addition, coupling with auxiliary technologies can enhance combustion performanceand widen the stable combustion range. Combustion enhancement and NOx emission control are of greatsignificance to realize clean and efficient ammonia combustion in the future.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Ammonia; Enhanced combustion; Co - combustion; Auxiliary combustion; Oxygen enriched combustion; Heat-mass transfer

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    张屿, 赵义军, 曾光, 等. 氨燃料强化燃烧技术研究进展[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(5): 129-144.
  • Citation
    ZHANG Yu, ZHAO Yijun, ZENG Guang, et al. A review of the research progress of ammonia combustion en⁃hancement technology[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(5): 129-144.
  • 相关专题

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