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  • Title

    Enhancements of mass transfer and heat transfer by microreactorsand their applications in chemical engineering

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Shikai;LUO Canghai;ZHENG Yuan;XIAO Yao;CHEN Dong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University
  • 摘要
    精细化工、环境保护、生物药物等领域通常对化学反应连续性、选择性、安全性等有较高要求,尤其是在涉及强放热反应时,控制不当极易引起火灾甚至爆炸。 强化传热传质是解决这些问题的关键。 相较于传统的釜式反应器,微反应器具有传质传热效率高、反应参数控制精准、可连续化操作和高效安全等优点。 本文总结了微反应器在化工过程的应用,首先分析了微反应器的结构特点与优势,其次总结了强化流体流动、减小传热距离和增大传热比表面积、选择高性能冷却介质以及高导热材料等强化传质传热策略。 然后介绍了微反应器在典型强放热反应中的最新应用,包括过氧化反应、硝化反应和重氮化反应。 最后总结了微反应器技术的机遇和挑战,从而为微反应器在工业生产领域的设计、制造、应用提供指导。
  • Abstract
    Chemical reactions involving fine chemicals, environmental protection, and chemical drugsoften necessitate continuous operation, high selectivity, and utmost safety. Particularly, when dealingwith strong exothermic reactions, improper control can lead to fire or even explosions. Enhancements inmass transfer and heat transfer are crucial for addressing these challenges. Microreactors, in comparisonto conventional tank reactors, offer several advantages, including high mass and heat transferefficiency, precise control of reaction parameters, continuous operation, and enhanced efficiency andsafety. This review provides a comprehensive summary of research on microreactors in chemical engi⁃neering. First, the structural characteristics and advantages of microreactors are analyzed. Next, thestrategies employed in the design of microreactors to enhance mass and heat transfer are summarized.The applications of microreactors in typical strong exothermic reactions are then introduced. Finally, thereview concludes by highlighting the importance, opportunities, and challenges associated with micro⁃reactor technology. The objective of this review is to provide guidance for the design, manufacturing,and application of microreactors in the industry.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Microchemical engineering; Microreactor; Process intensification in chemical engineering;Mass transfer and heat transfer

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    张仕凯, 罗沧海, 郑园, 等. 微反应器强化传热传质在化工过程的应用[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(5):174-182.
  • Citation
    ZHANG Shikai, LUO Canghai, ZHENG Yuan, et al. Enhancements of mass transfer and heat transfer by microre⁃actors and their applications in chemical engineering[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(5): 174-182.
  • 相关专题

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