A method for identifying faults within mining faces based on spatial statistics
FENG Yajie;WEN Guangchao;WU Bingjie;HU Zudong
采煤工作面内小断层严重影响瓦斯抽采及煤层回采工作,准确识别位置、落差、产状等参数对保障煤矿安全生产意义重大。为有效降低瓦斯涌出量、防止瓦斯爆炸、开发利用瓦斯资源,煤矿施工了大量的瓦斯抽采孔,这为识别煤层内小断层提供了良好的工程条件。相较于传统依赖地质人员专业基础的断层识别方法,基于数学统计和空间拟合的识别模型具有自动化程度高的特点。为此,依据断层两盘高程相异特性和煤层错断前埋深相似性特征,提出了基于瓦斯抽采孔数据,采用聚类分析方法,识别采煤工作面内小断层的思路。对比分析了不同聚类算法的原理和结构,建立了基于K-Means聚类算法的煤层小断层识别模型;设计了小断层识别的关键技术流程:采用手肘法求解最佳聚类簇数,以戴维森堡丁指数和相关系数作为识别精度评价标准,通过异常点识别、断层参数(走向、倾角、落差)计算、断层面拟合、三维可视化等技术手段,实现煤层小断层识别;利用现场采煤工作面底抽巷的部分瓦斯抽采孔数据,识别出落差为3 m和1 m的断层,结合断层实际揭露情况和工作面可视化结果分析。结果表明,现场揭露情况与模型计算结果基本一致,识别方法可用于煤层工作面内断层的识别。
Minor faults within mining faces of coal mines severely affect gas drainage and coal seam mining. Accurately identifying parameters such as positions, throws, and attitudes of these faults is of great significance for the safe production of coal mines. To effectively reduce gas emissions, prevent gas explosions, and exploit and utilize gas resources, many gas drainage holes have been drilled during the construction of coal mines, providing favorable engineering conditions for identifying minor faults within coal seams. Compared with the conventional fault identification methods, which rely on the expertise of geologists, the identification model based on mathematical statistics and space fitting enjoys a high degree of automation. Therefore, based on the characteristics that two walls of a fault show different elevations and that coal seams have similar burial depths before being offset, as well as the data from gas drainage holes, this study proposed a philosophy for identifying minor faults within mining faces using the cluster analysis method. By comparing principles and structures of different clustering algorithms, this study built a model for identifying minor-faults in coal seams based on the K-Means clustering algorithm. The key technical process is as follows: the optimal number of clusters was determined first using the elbow method; with the Davies-Bouldin index and the correlation coefficients as the criteria for the evaluation of identification accuracy, minor faults in coal seams were finally identified using technological means such as anomalous point identification, the calculation of fault parameters (strikes, dip angles, and throws), fault plane fitting, and 3D visualization were employed. Using the identification model proposed in this study, faults with throws of 3 m and 1 m were identified on site using the data from partial gas drainage holes in the bottom drainage roadway of mining faces. As indicated by the comparative analysis of the faults revealed on site and the visualization results of the mining faces, the faults revealed on site are consistent with the results calculated using the model. Therefore, the identification method proposed in this study can be employed to identify faults within the mining faces of coal seams.
mining face;fault identification;cluster analysis;gas drainage;space fitting
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会