• 全部
  • Title

    Identification of factors influencing unsafe behaviors of coalminers from the perspective of informal organizations

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHEN Zihan;LI Lei;ZHAO Yibo;ZHANG Zuozuo;LI Ruihan;LI Hao

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Safety Science and Engineering, Xi’an University of Science and Technology
    Science & Technology Research Center Branch, Shaanxi Coal Industry New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
    Basicteach Office, Shaanxi Fashion Engineering University
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In order to explore the influencing factors of unsafe behaviors of coal miners from the per-spective of informal organizations, the traditional human factor analysis and classification system modelare modified, and the environmental layer and social network layer of informal organizations are taken第 5 期陈 子 涵 , 等 : 非 正 式 组 织 视 角 下 煤 矿 工 人 不 安 全 行 为 影 响 因 素 识 别as a starting point. The organization influence, unsafe supervision and unsafe behavior are taken as pre-conditions, and the degree of association and dependence are divided into the cause layer of informalorganization of coal miners The influencing factors of unsafe behavior of coal miners are identified, andthe status and the degree of interaction of each factor in the system are determined by using DEMATELmethod, and the degree of interaction of each factor in the system is effectively evaluated. Thus the in-fluencing factors of unsafe behaviors of coal miners in the perspective of informal organizations are ob-tained, with a framework of influencing factors determined. The results show that the centrality of organ-izational climate is the most important factor affecting the unsafe behavior of coal miners; the uncorrect-ed reason degree is the easiest factor to affect other factors in the system, and the strong connection,weak connection and dependence are the important factors that influence the unsafe behaviors of coalminers. Through regulating the environmental layer and social network layer of informal organization ofcoal miners, scientific control for unsafe behaviors is realized, which provides new management ideas andmethods for enterprise safety management system.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    informal organization; coal miners; unsafe behavior; HFACS model; organizational environ-ment; social network relationships

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
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