• 全部
  • Title

    Strength characteristics and fissure evolution law of red clayunder the synergistic action of load and dry-wet cycle

  • 作者


  • Author

    XU Gangmin;CHEN Kaisheng;LUO Guofu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Civil Engineering, Guizhou University
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    n order to obtain the design parameters in line with the engineering reality, a direct sheartest device and method of soil under the synergistic action of load and dry-wet cycle are developed, thefracture ratio is analyzed by using an image processing system, and a method for calculating the fractureratio of soil under the consideration of surface fissures and lateral fissures is proposed. The shearstrength index and fissure evolution law of red clay under the synergistic action of load and dry-wet cy-cle are examined, and the relationship between the shear strength index and the fracture ratio and compaction degree is established. The research results of red clay under the synergistic effect of load anddry-wet cycle show that: the cohesion decreases significantly with the number of wet-dry cycles in thefirst three times, and then stabilized, and increases significantly with the overlying load, and then in-creases slowly; the angle of internal friction varies with the number of wet-dry cycles and the overlyingload, generally fluctuating within a range of 10°; both surface and side cracks developes with the in-crease of the number of wet-dry cycles, in which the surface cracks reaches the maximum width at 10kPa, and the development of large and medium cracks is the most obvious, while the side cracks devel-opes from annular to longitudinal cracks; the fracture ratio decreases with the increase of compaction,increases with the increase of the number of wet-dry cycles, increases and then decreases with the in-crease of the overlying load, and reaches the maximum at the overlying load of 10 kPa. The relationshipbetween cohesion, internal friction angle and fracture ratio and compaction can be fitted by the relation-ship of binary nonlinear function. The research in this paper can provide a reference for red clay forpractical engineering design and construction.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    load;dry-wet cycle;red clay;strength characteristics;fissure

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI

主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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