• 全部
  • Title

    Influence of recycled aggregate content on carbonationperformance of concrete

  • 作者


  • Author

    XIAO Qianhui;GUO Xinyi;QIU Jisheng;WU Zhe;SHI Shanshan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Xi’an University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In order to examine the impact of recycled aggregate content on the carbonation performanceof concrete, the influence of different replacement rates of recycled aggregate quality on the carbonationdepth and compressive strength of concrete was analyzed by using recycled concrete with different re-placement rates of 0, 30% and 50% ( denoted as RC0, RC30 and RC50, respectively) . Scanning elec-tron microscopy was used to explore the changes of interfacial microstructure of recycled concrete underdifferent carbonation time, and the microhardness value of interfacial transition zone was detected andanalyzed by microhardness tester. The relationship between microstructure and macroscopic propertiesof recycled concrete under carbonation was studied. The results show that the larger the recycled aggre-gate content, the lower the compressive strength and the deeper the carbonation depth of recycled con第 5 期肖 前 慧 , 等 : 再 生 骨 料 掺 量 对 混 凝 土 碳 化 性 能 的 影 响crete. By comparing the anti-carbonization ability of different types of interfacial transition zones, it isconcluded that the old aggregate old slurry interface > aggregate new slurry interface > old slurry newslurry interface; the interface structure of concrete with 30% replacement rate of recycled aggregate ismore compact. The microstructure of recycled concrete and its macroscopic properties change regularly,and it is more accurate to characterize the macroscopic properties with the change of the width of theinterface transition zone. The research indicates that carbonization has different effects on the interfacestructure optimization of concrete with different recycled aggregate content. The larger the recycled ag-gregate content, the worse the carbonation resistance of concrete, and the change of microstructure cangive a clear explaination the change of macro performance.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    recycled aggregate content; recycled concrete; carbonation; microhardness; interface transi-tion zone

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 相关文章

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