• 全部
  • Title

    Experimental study on the ratio between ti-bearing blast furnaceslag-iron-based full tailing sand and cement in cementitious filling

  • 作者


  • Author

    Li Jielin;Li Ao;Hao Jianzhang;Xü Jiye;Zhang Liangbing

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Resource and Safety Engineering,Central South University
    Ansteel Research Institute of Vanadium & Titanium,Pangang Group Research Institute Co. ,Ltd.
    Design and Research Institute of Pangang Group Mining Co. ,Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    This study investigated the optimal ratio and mechanical properties of iron-based full tailingmeasured after curing for 7, 14, and 28 days. The experimental results demonstrated a positivecorrelation between the compressive strength of the filling and the curing time. Additionally,under thesame curing time,the uniaxial compressive strength of the filling increased with the increase of the sandcement ratio. With an increase in the replacement percentage of TBS,the strength of the filling initiallyincreased and then decreased at 28 days. Notably,when the TBS replacement ratio was 50% ,the compressive strength of the filling with ratios of 1 ∶ 8,1 ∶ 6,and 1 ∶ 4 after 28 days of curing was 1. 8 MPa,2. 5 MPa,and 4. 0 MPa,respectively. All of these values exceeded the strength of the specimens withoutTBS,indicating that the addition of TBS significantly improved the compressive strength of the filling at28 days. The research results demonstrate that TBS can be developed as a cementitious material formine backfill,thereby reducing the cost of mine filling.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    filling ratio;Ti-bearing blast furnace slag;tailing cementation;solid waste utilization;cementitious materials

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    李杰林,李奥,郝建璋,等 . 提钛炉渣-铁基全尾砂-水泥胶结充填体配比实验研究[J]. 矿业科学学报,2023,8(6):838-846. DOI:10. 19606 /j. cnki. jmst. 2023. 06. 010
  • Citation
    Li Jielin,Li Ao,Hao Jianzhang,et al. Experimental study on the ratio between ti-bearing blast furnace slag-iron-based full tailing sand and cement incementitious filling[J]. Journal of Mining Science and Technology,2023,8(6):838-846. DOI:10. 19606 / j. cnki. jmst. 2023. 06. 010

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