• 全部
  • Title

    Progress on Catalysts for the Synthesis of Acrylic Acid (Methyl Ester)by Aldol Condensation of Acetic Acid (Methyl Ester) withFormaldehyde

  • 作者


  • Author

    Wu Zhenyu;Li Zengxi

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Chemical Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
    College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In recent years, with the high-quality development requirements for chemical fibers, coatings, textiles, adhesives, water-absorbing resins and other chemical and chemical fields and the need for ecological and environmental protection, the application ofacrylic acid (methyl ester) has been continuously extended and expanded. The preparation of acrylic acid (methyl ester) by aldolcondensation method of coal-based route is a research hotspot. The raw materials of aldol condensation method of coal-based routeare acetic acid (methyl ester) and formaldehyde downstream products of coal chemical process route, and the main by-products arewater. How to improve the one-way yield of acrylic acid and its ester and the conversion rate of formaldehyde are the main obstaclesto its industrial application. Developing efficient and stable catalysts is the key to eliminating these obstacles. This paper reviews thedevelopment of catalysts for the synthesis of acrylic acid (methyl ester) by aldol condensation reaction from coal-based acetic acid(methyl ester) and formaldehyde, mainly including VPO catalysts, supported metal oxide catalysts and ionic liquids, etc. The effectsof catalyst preparation methods, additives, support carriers, active components and solvents on the structure and activity of catalystsare discussed, the mechanism of related aldol condensation reactions is introduced, and the activities of different types of catalysts arecompared. According to the current research status, the problems that need to be solved in the development process of aldolcondensation reaction catalysts are pointed out and their development trends are prospected.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    acetic acid (methyl ester); formaldehyde; aldol condensation; VPO; supported metal oxides; ionic liquid

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    吴振宇, 李增喜. 乙酸(甲酯)与甲醛羟醛缩合反应合成丙烯酸(甲酯)催化剂研究进展[J]. 工程研究——跨学科视野中的工程,2023, 15(4): 299-312.
  • Citation
    Wu Z Y, Li Z X. Progress on catalysts for the synthesis of acrylic acid (methyl ester) by aldol condensation of acetic acid(methyl ester) with formaldehyde[J]. Journal of Engineering Studies, 2023, 15(4): 299-312.
  • 相关文章

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