• 全部
  • Title

    Mineralization characteristics and formation mechanism ofshallow groundwater in Yinchuan Plain

  • 作者


  • Author

    SUN Yufang;MENG Xuchen;JIN Xiaomei;;Li Hongbo

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Water Resources and Environment,China University of Geosciences (Beijing)
    Hydrology & Environmental Geological Survey Institute of Ningxia HuiAutonomous Region
  • 摘要
    通过对银川平原浅层地下水水质资料的综合分析,应用统计学方法、Piper 图和吉布斯图解法、相关分析法等多种手段,对主要水化学参数进行了详细分析,以研究浅层地下水的矿化特征。结果表明:(1)银川平原浅层地下水的溶解性总固体(TDS)、Cl-、SO2-4 、K+、Na+、Mg2+均呈现较大的空间变异性,Ca2+、HCO-3的空间变异性相对较小。 (2)浅层地下水矿化程度可分为三个阶段:第一阶段主要为 HCO3-SO4水或 HCO3-Cl 水阶段,其中 TDS<1 g·L-1。 第二阶段主要为SO4-Cl、SO4-HCO3水阶段,其中 TDS 一般为 3 ~ 6 g·L-1,局部地区 TDS>6 g·L-1;第三阶段为 Cl-SO4、Cl-HCO3水阶段,TDS 为 3 ~ 10 g·L-1,部分地区可高达 10 g·L-1以上。 (3)浅层地下水矿化程度主要受蒸发浓缩作用和岩石风化作用的控制,并受到阳离子交换的影响。 在对浅层地下水矿化程度的贡献中,水化学组分由大到小依次为 Na+、Cl-、SO2-4 、Mg2+、Ca2+、HCO-3。 当 TDS<1 g·L-1时,浅层地下水矿化主要受岩盐、碳酸盐的溶解影响,但当 TDS>3 g·L-1后,石膏和泻盐的溶解对浅层地下水矿化的贡献增大。
  • Abstract
    Based on the hydrochemical data of shallow groundwater in Yinchuan Plain, the total dis⁃solved solids (TDS), pH and main ions were analyzed using statistical methods, Pipe-trigram, Gibbsmodel, and correlation analysis to study the formation mechanism of the shallow groundwater. The re⁃sults showed that: (1) The spatial variability of TDS, Cl-, SO2-4 , K+, Na+ and Mg2+ was relativelylarge, whereas the spatial variability of Ca2+ and HCO3 is relatively small. (2) The degree of minerali⁃zation of shallow groundwater could be divided into three stages: the first stage consisted primarily ofHCO3-SO4 water or HCO3-Cl water stage with TDS<1 g·L-1; the second stage was mainly character⁃ized by SO4-Cl and SO4-HCO3 water, with TDS generally ranging from 3 to 6 g·L-1 and exceeding6 g·L-1 in some areas; the third stage was characterized by Cl-SO4 and Cl-HCO3 water, with TDSgenerally ranging from 3 to 10 g·L-1 and reaching 10 g·L-1 or higher in some areas. (3) The degreeof mineralization of shallow groundwater was primarily controlled by evaporation, concentration, androck weathering, with additional influence from cation exchange. Regarding the contribution to the de⁃gree of mineralization, the water chemical components followed a descending order of Na+, Cl-, SO2-4 ,Mg2+, Ca2+, and HCO3. For TDS<1 g·L-1, the mineralization of shallow groundwater was mainly in⁃fluenced by the dissolution of rock salt and carbonate. However, after TDS exceeded 3 g·L-1, thecontribution of gypsum and magnesium sulfate dissolution to the mineralization of shallow groundwaterincreased.
  • 关键词

    银川平原 浅层地下水 溶解性总固体 水化学特征 矿化特征

  • KeyWords

    Yinchuan Plain; Shallow groundwater; TDS; Hydrochemical characteristics; Mineraliza⁃tion characteristics

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    孙玉芳, 孟旭晨, 金晓媚, 等. 银川平原浅层地下水矿化特征及形成机制[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(6): 129-137.
  • Citation
    SUN Yufang, MENG Xuchen, JIN Xiaomei, et al. Mineralization characteristics and formation mechanism of shal⁃low groundwater in Yinchuan Plain[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(6): 129-137.

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