• 全部
  • Title

    Research on grinding and flotation decarbonization of coal gasification fine slag

  • 作者


  • Author

    XIE Weiwei;ZHANG Zidong;LI Zihe;FU Xiangkang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing)
  • 摘要
    煤气化细渣是煤炭气化过程中产生的固体废弃物之一,主要通过填埋或堆放进行处理,尚未实现规模化、工业化应用。 针对气化细渣高灰、孔隙度高且具有较多连生组分的特性,以北方某地干粉煤气化细渣为研究对象,在查明物质组成、粒度组分布、表面形貌和内部结构的基础上,采用 ALC-1.5 型磨机进行预先磨矿,使残碳与玻璃体充分解离,再结合浮选的方式对气化细渣进行碳灰分离。 试验结果表明,经过磨机精细磨矿后,气化细渣暴露其残碳表面,可浮性大幅提高;采用二次浮选工艺,当磨矿时间为 3.5 min,粗选 3#油用量为 14 kg / t、甲基异丁基甲醇(MIBC)用量为 3 kg / t,扫选 3#油用量为 14 kg / t、MIBC 用量为 1.5 kg / t,精矿产率为 3.20%,精矿灰分为 26.91%,尾矿产率为 37.67%,尾矿灰分为 91.77%,烧失量为 8.23%,尾矿产品达到Ⅲ级粉煤灰要求。
  • Abstract
    Coal gasification fine slag is a solid waste generated during the coal gasification process.Typically, it is mainly disposed of through landfill or stacking and has not yet been widely utilized on alarge-scale industrial level. This study focused on the dry coal gasification fine slag obtained from aspecific location in the North of China, considering its characteristics such as high ash content, highporosity, and continuous components. In order to fully dissociate the residual carbon and vitreous body,the ALC-1.5 grinder was employed for pre-grinding after identifying the material composition, particlesize composition, surface morphology, and internal structure of the slag. Subsequently, flotation was u⁃tilized to separate carbon and ash in the gasification fine slag. Experimental results revealed that finegrinding significantly increased the exposure of the slag′s residual carbon surface, greatly enhancing itsfloatability. Using the secondary flotation process with a grinding time of 3.5 min, the roughing flotationprogress employed 14 kg / t of 3# oil and 3 kg / t of Methyl Isobutyl Methanol (MIBC), while the scav⁃enging flotation progress used 14 kg / t of 3# oil and 1.5 kg / t of MIBC. The resulting concentrate exhibi⁃ted a rate of 3.20% with an ash content of 26.91%. The tailings had a mineral content of 37.67% andan ash content of 91.77%. The loss on ignition (LOI) was measured at 8.23%. Overall, the tailingsproduct met the requirements of Class III fly ash.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Coal gasification fine slag; Decarbonization; Grinding; Flotation; Loss on ignition解维伟等 煤气化细渣磨矿及浮选脱碳研究

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    解维伟, 张子洞, 李梓赫, 等. 煤气化细渣磨矿及浮选脱碳研究[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(6): 138-146.
  • Citation
    XIE Weiwei, ZHANG Zidong, LI Zihe, et al. Research on grinding and flotation decarbonization of coal gasifica⁃tion fine slag[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(6): 138-146.

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