• 全部
  • Title

    TiO2 / g-C3N4 water absorption coupled photocatalyticdegradation of isopropanol exhaust gas

  • 作者


  • Author

    JIN Lili;WANG Wenjie;ZHOU Ying;YU Jianming;CHEN Jianmeng;LU Hanfeng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    CCTEG Hangzhou Research Institute Co., Ltd.
    College of ChemicalEngineering, Zhejiang University of Technology
    College of Environment,Zhejiang University of Technology
  • 摘要
    异丙醇作为一种典型的挥发性有机化合物释放到大气中,会对环境和人体健康造成危害,水相吸收和光催化耦合可以实现异丙醇废气的有效治理。 本研究以 TiO2 / g-C3 N4 为催化剂材料,考察了其在气液固三相体系中光催化降解异丙醇的性能。 发现将 TiO2与 g-C3N4复合后,可见光诱导的异丙醇的光催化降解率显著提高,其中负载量为质量分数 40%-TiO2 / g-C3N4在可见光照射 70 min 时得到了 29.3%的最佳降解性能,分别比单一的 TiO2和 g-C3N4的光催化性能高4.24倍和 1.9 倍。 在水吸收耦合光催化剂降解连续净化异丙醇废气中,40%-TiO2 / g-C3N4在可见光光照 180 min 时对异丙醇废气的净化率达到 61.7%,较纯水提高了 10.6%。 经过 5 个周期的实验,净化率保持在 60%以上,表明化学稳定性良好。
  • Abstract
    Isopropanol, as a typical volatile organic compound released into the atmosphere, can causeharm to the environment and human health, and the coupling of aqueous phase absorption and photoca⁃talysis is a useful technical approach for the treatment and degradation of isopropanol waste gas. In thisstudy, TiO2 / g-C3N4 was used as a catalyst material to investigate its photocatalytic degradation per⁃formance of isopropanol in a gas-liquid-solid three-phase system. It was found that the photocatalyticdegradation rate of isopropanol induced by visible light was significantly increased after the combinationof TiO2 and g-C3N4. The optimal degradation performance of 29.3% was achieved when 40%-TiO2 / gC3N4 under visible light irradiation for 70 minutes, which was 4.24 times and 1.9 times higher than thephotocatalytic performance of single TiO2 and g-C3 N4, respectively. In the continuous purification ofisopropanol waste gas by the water absorption coupled photocatalyst degradation, the purification rate ofisopropanol waste gas reached 61.7% after 180 minutes of visible light irradiation using 40%-TiO2 / g-C3N4,which was 10.6% higher than that of pure water. After five cycles of experiments, the purification rateremained above 60%, indicating good chemical stability.
  • 关键词

    VOCs 净化水吸收耦合光催化TiO2g-C3N4异丙醇

  • KeyWords

    VOCs purification; Water absorption coupled photocatalysis; TiO2; g-C3N4; Isopropanol

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    金丽丽, 王文洁, 周瑛, 等. TiO2 / g-C3N4 水吸收耦合光催化降解异丙醇废气[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023,37(6): 147-155.
  • Citation
    JIN Lili, WANG Wenjie, ZHOU Ying, et al. TiO2 / g-C3N4 water absorption coupled photocatalytic degradation ofisopropanol exhaust gas[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(6): 147-155.
  • 相关专题

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