• 全部
  • Title

    Inter-provincial transfer of carbon dioxide from constructionindustry in 30 provinces of China

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHU Ying;;CUI Tianhao;TAN Jicong;LI Yexin;GUO Yong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Shaanxi Key Laboratory ofEnvironmental Engineering, Xi′an University of Architecture and Technology
    East China Architectural Design & Research Institute Co.,Ltd.
    School ofEnvironmental and Municipal Engineering, Xi′an University of Architecture and Technology
    Ankang Environmental Engineering Design Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    中国建筑业的二氧化碳(CO2)排放量约占全国 CO2排放总量的二分之一。 由于各区域之间建筑业贸易频繁,明确区域减排责任对制定合理的减排政策至关重要。 为厘清中国各区域建筑业 CO2的排放情况与减排责任,提出了一种多区域投入产出模糊网络线性规划法(MFEP),包括“三个模块”(投入产出、模糊处理、生态分析)和“五类评价指标”。 该方法可以有效计算 CO2转移量,并揭示区域之间转移的相互效用关系,以明确中国建筑业在不同区域间的 CO2减排责任。 研究结果表明:应降低对外贡献度较高的省份,如江苏(5.62)、浙江(6.20)等的减排目标,并增加对外依赖度高的省份,如天津(5.61)、河北(6.41)等的减排力度。 此外,调整目前以石油为主的能源结构,并增加天然气等新能源的使用比例,可以抵消 CO2转移带来的负面影响。 此成果可为决策者制定建筑业减排政策提供科学参考和有力依据。
  • Abstract
    Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from construction industry in China account for approxi⁃mately half of the country′s total CO2 emissions. Given the frequent trade in the construction industryamong regions, it is crucial to clarify the regional responsibilities for emission reduction in order to for⁃mulate reasonable emission reduction policies. To address the CO2 emission situation and emissionreduction responsibilities of China′s construction industry across different regions, a multi -regionalinput-output fuzzy network linear programming method (MFEP) is proposed. This method incorporatesthree modules, namely input-output analysis, fuzzy processing, eco-analysis, as well as five types ofevaluation indexes. It enables the effective calculation of CO2 transfer amounts and sheds light on themutual utility relationship of transfers between regions, thereby elucidating the CO2 reduction responsi⁃bilities of construction industry in China between regions. The results indicate that emission reductiontargets should be lowered for provinces with rather high external contributions, such as Jiangsu (5.62)and Zhejiang (6.20), while emission reduction efforts should be increased for provinces with ratherhigh external dependence, such as Tianjin (5.61) and Hebei (6.41). Additionally, adjusting the cur⁃rent energy structure, which is predominantly reliant on oil, and increasing the utilization of newenergy sources like natural gas, can help offset the negative impacts of CO2 transfer. This research out⁃come serves as a scientific reference and provides a strong basis for decision-makers in formulating e⁃mission reduction policies for the construction industry.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Environmental engineering; Construction sector; Carbon dioxide; Regional emission re⁃duction responsibility

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    祝颖, 崔天浩, 谭纪聪, 等. 中国 30 省份建筑业二氧化碳跨省转移研究[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(6):156-166.
  • Citation
    ZHU Ying, CUI Tianhao, TAN Jicong, et al. Inter-provincial transfer of carbon dioxide from construction industryin 30 provinces of China[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(6): 156-166.
  • 相关专题

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