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  • Title

    Recent progress on coal-based carbon membrane in wastewater treatment

  • 作者


  • Author

    HAN Qian;LIU Zhiming;YANG Xiaoqin;LIN Zhe;QIN Zhihong;KONG Weiwei

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学 化工学院江苏爱尔沃特环保科技有限公司

  • Organization
    School of Chemical Engineering and Technology,China University of Mining and Technology
    Jiangsu Alwater Environmental Technology Co.,Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Coal is high-quality raw material for carbon membrane due to its high carbon content, abundant reserves, and affordable availability. Coal-based carbon membrane using coal as raw material for wastewater treatment has advantages of high separation efficiency for avariety of wastewater, simple process operation, good repeatability, and can be used for large-scale industrial treatment. Although coalbased carbon membrane can remove pollutants with sizes of about 0.05-10.00 μm in the wastewater by screening and adsorption, the removal of organic pollutants and heavy metal ions with particle size much smaller than the membrane pore is limited. Moreover, thesingle coal-based carbon membrane separation will face the problems such as reduced separation capacity and fouling resistance abilitydue to the adsorption and accumulation of pollutants on the external and internal surfaces of the membrane after long-term operation.Therefore,by choosing specific coal-based carbon precursor, appropriate support and additives as raw materials, as well as optimizing thepreparation process conditions, the goal of improving the pore size and distribution of carbon membranes and enhancing the hydrophilicityis achieved. At the same time, by utilizing the electrical conductivity of coal-based carbon membrane, and the methods of coupling withelectrochemical or advanced oxidation processes are adopt on the basis of traditional carbon membrane separation process to improve theability of treating various wastewater and solve the membrane pollution problem, such as electrochemical oxidation, electroadsorption,electroflotation and electrofenton oxidation. These coupling technologies can improve membrane separation efficiency, enhance membranefouling resistance and reduce energy consumption, which are new developments of coal-based carbon membrane application in wastewatertreatment and are of great significance for efficient and clean utilization of coal and industrial wastewater treatment. The preparationof coal-based carbon membrane in recent ten years and the principle, characteristics and research progress of electrochemical or advancedoxidation processes coupled membrane separation technology applied to wastewater treatment were reviewed from the above aspects, andthe future research direction of coal based carbon membranes for wastewater treatment was prospected.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal-carbon membrane;preparation;coupling process;anti-fouling ability;wastewater treatment

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    HAN Qian,LIU Zhiming,YANG Xiaoqin,et al.Recent progress on coal-based carbon membrane in wastewater treatment[J].Clean Coal Technology,2023,29(11):49-57.
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