Synergistic catalytic behaviors of sodium/iron during gasification of direct coal liquefaction residue and its effects on evolution of coal char
LI Pei;WANG Dongsheng;LI Wenyu;ZHANG Wenjian;LI Xiao
Key Laboratory of Coal Processing and Efficient Utilization, Ministry of Education, China University of Mining and Technology
After the direct coal liquefaction process, sodium species become enriched in the direct coal liquefaction residue (DCLR). The sodium content in the DCLR further increases by 4-10 times compared to the raw coal. A promising strategy to efficiently utilize sodium-rich DCLR is to gasify it, leveraging the inherent sodium and residual iron-based catalyst. Sodium-rich DCLR was prepared in the experiment of direct coal liquefaction. The synergistic catalytic behaviors of sodium/iron during gasification process of sodium-rich DCLR were investigated and a suitable kinetic model was established to explore migration path of the gas-solid reaction inter-face. Using a combination of FTIR, XRD, ICP-AES and other techniques, the organic structure, mineral composition, and high-temperature release patterns of sodium species were analyzed me-ticulously based on the high-temperature interaction between sodium and iron.The results show that the activation energy of the sodium/iron synergistic catalytic process is 66 kJ/mol-69 kJ/mol, lower than that of the gasification process without adding iron-based catalyst. The peak gasification reactivity index surpassed 0.45°/min, and the maximum reaction rate increases by 1.17 times at 900 ℃, 1.33 times at 1 000 ℃, and 1.14 times at 1 100 ℃, respectively, for iden-tical temperature benchmarks. There exists a significant synergistic catalytic effect between bi-metallic compounds. The molar ratio of sodium to iron has a certain influence on the gasification reactivity of DCLR. A higher iron content easily leads to the formation of weakly catalytic iron/alkali metal compounds, such as K-Fe, Na-Fe, Li-Fe, etc., thereby reducing the synergistic cat-alytic activity. Moreover, the increase in gasification temperature augments the synergistic inter-action between iron and alkali metals. XRD analysis also affirms that an appropriate content of iron-based catalysts can inhibit sodium from reacting with Si and Al, preventing the creation of non-catalytic minerals, thereby preserving sodium catalytic activity. Besides the synergistic cata-lytic effect, iron-containing minerals also have a significant inhibitory effect on the high-tempera-ture release of sodium during the gasification process. Compared with gasification of sodium-rich DCLR, incorporating iron-based catalysts can reduce sodium volatilization by 9.6%-26.7%.
direct coal liquefaction residue, direct coal liquefaction, catalytic gasification, sodium species, iron-based catalyst
李 佩,王冬生,李雯瑜,等.液化残渣气化过程钠/铁协同催化作用及对焦结构演化的影响规律[J].煤炭转化,2023,46(6):33-42
LI Pei,WANG Dongsheng,LI Wenyu,et al.Synergistic catalytic behaviors of sodium/iron during gasification of direct coal liquefaction residue and its effects on evolution of coal char[J].Coal Conversion,2023,46(6):33-42