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  • Title

    Study on overburden movement law and ground pressure behavior in fully mechanized top coal caving face under the disturbance of upper coal seam

  • 作者


  • Author

    NAN Hua;WANG Zhuoying

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Energy Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University
  • 摘要
    近年来,准格尔煤田大多数矿井已进入了6#、10#、11#等第二主采煤层的开采,平均厚度可达10 m以上,故大多数煤矿都选用综放开采技术进行回采。受上煤层开采的影响,下部综放工作面覆岩运移、矿压显现及顶板来压来源更为复杂。利用理论分析、相似模拟及现场实测等方法,以黄玉川226上02综放工作面为例,对上煤层扰动下综放工作面覆岩运移、矿压显现等规律展开了研究。主要结论有:中间岩层未完全破断前,覆岩呈分层垮落特征,破坏范围以阶梯式向上发展,下部综放工作面出现小周期来压,来压步距较大、强度较小;中间岩层完全破断时,两煤层破坏区域贯通,覆岩发生大范围台阶式下沉,下部综放工作面易发生压架、垮顶等矿压突变事故;中间岩层完全破断后,覆岩出现“台阶岩梁”结构,且破坏边界裂隙不断增大,下部综放工作面出现大周期来压,来压步距减小、强度增大。同时,通过对覆岩运移规律的研究,分析上煤层扰动下综放工作面顶板来压来源,确定其支架载荷计算方法,并以黄玉川226上02综放工作面为例制定控制采高、增加支架工作阻力等针对性综合控制措施,在现场实施后取得了较好的控制效果。
  • Abstract
    In recent years, most of the coal mines in Zhungeer Coalfield have entered the mining of the second main coal seams, such as 6#, 10# and 11#, with an average thickness of more than 10 m, so most of the coal mines use fully mechanized caving mining technology for mining. Affected by the mining of the upper coal seam, the overburden movement, ground pressure appearance and roof weighting source of the lower fully mechanized top coal caving face are more complex. In this paper, the laws of overburden movement and ground pressure appearance of the fully mechanized top coal caving face under the disturbance of the upper coal seam are studied; taking Huangyuchuan 226 upper 02 fully mechanized top coal caving face as an example, by using the methods of theoretical analysis, similar simulation and field measurement. The main conclusions are as follows: before the middle rock stratum is not completely broken, the overburden is characterized by layered collapse, the damage scope develops upward in a stepped manner, and the lower fully mechanized top coal caving face appears small periodic weighting with large weighting step distance and small strength; when the middle rock stratum is completely broken, the damaged areas of the two coal seams will be connected, the overburden will sink in a large range of steps, and the lower fully mechanized top coal caving face is prone to sudden changes in rock pressure such as frame pressing and roof fall; after the middle rock stratum is completely broken, the overburden appears a “bench beam” structure, and the fracture boundary cracks are increasing, the lower fully mechanized top coal caving face appears large periodic weighting, and the weighting step decreases and the strength increases. At the same time, through the research on the movement law of overburden, the source of roof weighting under the upper coal seam disturbance is analyzed, and the calculation method of support load is determined. Taking Huangyuchuan 226 upper 02 fully mechanized top coal caving face as an example, targeted comprehensive control measures such as controlling mining height and increasing support working resistance are formulated, which have achieved good control effect after on-site implementation.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    upper coal seam disturbance;fully mechanized caving face;key layer;roof activation;support working resistance

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    南华,王卓颖. 上煤层扰动下综放工作面覆岩运移及矿压显现规律研究[J]. 煤矿安全,2023,54(11):133−141.
  • Citation
    NAN Hua, WANG Zhuoying. Study on overburden movement law and ground pressure behavior in fully mechanized top coal caving face under the disturbance of upper coal seam[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2023, 54(11): 133−141.
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