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  • Title

    Experimental study on proportioning of ultra-high strength similar materials for large similarity ratio model tests

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHAN Xinyu;GAO Lin;ZHAO Fanghao;WANG Yongyin;LIU Ping;HAN Sen

  • 单位

    贵州大学 矿业学院中国矿业大学(北京) 煤炭行业巷道支护与灾害防治工程研究中心贵州大学 喀斯特地区优势矿产资源高效利用国家地方联合工程实验室

  • Organization
    Mining College, Guizhou University
    Research Center of Roadway Support and Disaster Prevention Engineering in Coal Industry, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
    National & Local Joint Laboratory of Engineering for Effective Utilization of Regional Mineral Resources from Karst Areas, Guizhou University
  • 摘要

    物理材料相似模拟试验是岩土工程领域中一种常用的研究手段,选择合适的相似材料并确定其配比是成功模拟原型工程的关键。现有相似材料多是针对几何相似比较小(1∶250~1∶25)的相似模拟试验研制,其强度普遍较小(0.2~7.6 MPa),难以满足较大相似比模型试验的需求。因此,为配制出强度在10 MPa以上的适合较大相似比模型试验的超高强相似材料,选择河砂、重晶石、石膏及不同强度等级的水泥作为模型试验的相似材料原料,以骨胶比、水泥石膏比、重晶石含量及水泥强度等级为正交试验的4个因素,共设计25组不同材料配比方案。根据试验要求制备各类相似模拟试件并开展相应的岩石力学试验,获得不同配比相似材料的基本物理力学参数。结果表明:试验所得相似材料力学参数变化区间较大,抗压强度为3.017~48.179 MPa,能满足较大相似比下超高强度相似模拟试验的需求;通过直观分析法分析各因素对相似材料物理力学参数的敏感性和影响规律,发现重晶石含量对相似材料密度起主要控制作用,骨胶比对相似材料抗压强度、抗拉强度、弹性模量、内摩擦角起主要控制作用,水泥石膏比对相似材料黏聚力起主要控制作用;运用SPSS软件对相似材料配比正交试验结果进行回归分析,得出超高强相似材料配比的经验公式并进行工程应用,所得公式可为快速确定水泥石膏砂相似材料的配比提供理论依据。

  • Abstract

    Similar simulation of physical material is a common research method in the field of geotechnical engineering. Selecting appropriate similar materials and determining their proportions is the key to successfully simulating the prototype project. Existing similar materials are mostly developed for similar simulation with small geometric similarity ratio (1∶250-1∶25). These materials generally have low strength (0.2-7.6 MPa), making it difficult to meet the requirements of large similarity ratio model. Therefore, in order to prepare an ultra-high strength similar material with a strength of more than 10 MPa suitable for large similarity ratio model, river sand, barite, gypsum, and cement with different strength grades were selected as the raw materials to prepare the similar materials for model test. A total of 25 different material proportioning schemes were designed with aggregate binder ratio, cement gypsum ratio, barite content, and cement strength grade as the four factors of orthogonal test. Various types of similar simulation specimens were prepared according to the test requirements, and corresponding rock mechanics tests were carried out to obtain the basic physical and mechanical parameters of similar materials with different proportions. The results show that the mechanical parameter variation range of similar materials obtained from the test is relatively large, with compressive strength ranged from 3.017 to 48.179 MPa, which can meet the requirements of ultra-high strength similar simulation under large similarity ratios. By analyzing the sensitivity and influencing law of each factor on the physical and mechanical parameters through intuitive analysis method, it is found that the barite content mainly controls the density of similar materials, the aggregate binder ratio mainly controls the compressive strength, tensile strength, elastic modulus and internal friction angle of similar materials, and the cement gypsum ratio mainly controls the cohesion of similar materials. Using SPSS software to perform regression analysis on the orthogonal experimental results of similar material proportioning, an empirical formula for the proportioning of ultra-high strength similar material was obtained and applied in projects. The formula could provide a theoretical basis for quickly determining the proportioning of cement gypsum sand similar materials.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    similar simulation;ultra-high strength similar material;orthogonal experiment;material proportioning;controlling factor;regression analysis

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    战新宇,高林,赵芳昊,等. 大相似比模型试验用超高强相似材料配比试验研究[J]. 煤田地质与勘探,2023,51(11):109−118.
  • Citation
    ZHAN Xinyu,GAO Lin,ZHAO Fanghao,et al. Experimental study on proportioning of ultra-high strength similar materials for large similarity ratio model tests[J]. Coal Geology & Exploration,2023,51(11):109−118.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 河砂、重晶石粒径分布

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