• 全部
  • Title

    On-line compensation for geomagnetic error while drilling based on magnetic inertial slime mould algorithm

  • 作者


  • Author

    YANG Jinxian;CAI Jipeng

  • 单位

    河南理工大学 电气工程与自动化学院河南省煤矿装备智能检测与控制重点实验室

  • Organization
    School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Henan Polytechnic University
    Henan Key Laboratory of Intelligent Detection and Control of Coal Mine Equipment, Henan Polytechnic University
  • 摘要

    针对随钻测量环境中,捷联在钻具上的微机电系统 (Micro-Electro-Mechanical-System,MEMS)磁强计测量误差大引起钻具方位角严重失真的问题,提出基于磁−惯性黏菌算法(Magnetic Inertial Slime Mould Algorithm,MISMA)的随钻地磁误差在线补偿方法。首先,通过对磁强计输出误差进行分析,建立钻具地磁测量误差补偿模型,并把磁强计误差参数整理为解向量。然后,根据随钻环境下磁−惯性传感器的输出特性,在黏菌算法的基础上,给出理想磁输出数据的目标函数、钻具径切向皮尔逊不等式和磁场模值约束条件,根据陀螺仪数据解耦的地磁数据重新定义上下界,并把目标函数看作为适应度函数,对当前误差参数解向量的适应度值和最佳适应度值分别作差的绝对值与绝对值之和的比值来设计自适应参数控制算法的有界全局搜索范围,以提高MISMA搜索能力和收敛速度,通过设计磁模比来自适应调整随机步长,解决黏菌算法(Slime Mould Algorithm,SMA)易陷入局部最优的问题,通过计算当前地磁误差参数解向量和最优解向量对应的适应度值,先作归一化处理再作差,同时结合自适应参数值得到地磁误差参数解的深入开发阈值,进一步提高地磁误差参数向量解的质量。最后,对磁强计进行误差补偿,达到提高钻具方位角精度的目的。模拟实验和实钻实验表明,MISMA和SMA相比,在相同迭代次数下适应度值更小,且下降的速度更快,收敛速度提高了37.99%,钻具方位角绝对误差的平均值可保持在2.37°以内。研究可提高煤矿井下捷联在钻具上的MEMS磁强计测量精度,是获得可靠钻具方位角的有效方法。

  • Abstract

    In response to the serious distortion of the azimuth angle of the drilling tool caused by the large measurement error of strap-down micro-electro-mechanical-system (MEMS) magnetometer on the drilling tool in the measurement-while-drilling (MWD) environment, an online compensation method for the geomagnetic error of the drilling tool based on the magnetic-inertial slime mould algorithm (MISMA) was proposed. Firstly, the geomagnetic measurement error compensation model of the drilling tool was established through the analysis on the output error of the magnetometer, and the magnetometer error parameters were sorted into solution vectors. Then, the objective function of the ideal magnetic output data, the radial and tangential Pearson inequality of the drilling tool and the constraint condition of the magnetic field modulus were given based on the slime mould algorithm (SMA) according to the output characteristics of the magnetic-inertial sensor in the MWDhe gyroscope data, and the objective function was taken as the fitness function. In addition, the bounded global search range of the adaptive parameter control algorithm was designed with the ratio of the absolute value of the difference to the sum of the absolute values of the fitness value and the best fitness value of the solution vector of current error parameter to improve the MISMA search ability and convergence speed. Adaptively adjusting the random step (RS) by designing the Geomagnetic Modulus Ratio (GMR) could solve the problem that the SMA is prone to fall into local optimum. Moreover, the fitness value corresponding to the solution vector and the optimal solution vector of current geomagnetic error parameter was calculated and subjected to normalization processing and difference calculation successively. Meanwhile, the in-depth development threshold of the geomagnetic error parameter solution was obtained by combining the adaptive parameter values, and thus the quality of the vector solution of geomagnetic error parameters was further improved. Finally, the error compensation of the magnetometer was carried out to improve the azimuth angle accuracy of the drilling tool. Through simulation experiment and real drilling experiments, it is shown that: MISMA has smaller fitness value and faster decline speed compared with SMA under the same number of iterations. The convergence speed is increased by 37.99%, and the average absolute error of the azimuth angle of the drilling tool can be maintained within 2.37°. Generally, the research could improve the measurement accuracy of strap-down MEMS magnetometer on the drilling tool in coal mine, and it is an effective method to obtain the reliable azimuth angle of drilling tool.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mic-electro-mechanical-system (MEMS);magnetometer;slime mould algorithm (SMA);Geomagnetic Modulus Ratio (GMR);error compensation;azimuth angle;MWD

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    杨金显,蔡纪鹏. 基于磁−惯性黏菌算法的随钻地磁误差在线补偿[J]. 煤田地质与勘探,2023,51(11):169−178.
  • Citation
    YANG Jinxian,CAI Jipeng. On-line compensation for geomagnetic error while drilling based on magnetic inertial slime mould algorithm[J]. Coal Geology & Exploration,2023,51(11):169−178.
  • 图表
    • 磁−惯性组合测量示意
注:$m_x^s $、$m_y^s $、$m_{textit{z}}^s$分别为磁强计在x、y、z轴的测量值;ωx、ωy、ωz分别为陀螺仪在x、y、z轴的测量值;ax、ay、az分别为加速度计在x、y、z轴的测量值。

    图(11) / 表(0)


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